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from running around I think the weakest part of the map is mid rn, especially the mid connector to B. Ts with mid to B control essentially have control of CT and thus all of the CT enterances to B. I know simplicity is good, but I think such an important part of the map such as mid needs to be a bit more complex than just a single hallway with 2 routes to either site. I don't know what exactly to change but mid just seems flawed. Ofc this is just from a run around, if playtests are fine then ignore my advice

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19 hours ago, Byron said:

from running around I think the weakest part of the map is mid rn, especially the mid connector to B. Ts with mid to B control essentially have control of CT and thus all of the CT enterances to B. I know simplicity is good, but I think such an important part of the map such as mid needs to be a bit more complex than just a single hallway with 2 routes to either site. I don't know what exactly to change but mid just seems flawed. Ofc this is just from a run around, if playtests are fine then ignore my advice

Well... we have playtested this map 15 times. Mid was always too complicated because of.. reasons. The balance have shifted alot, but was at the end CT sided and now with the new timings with T having abit more of a advantage on mid bridge and canal it feels right. Not sure if there is a real mid, guess there is a kind of double mid, or perhaps two routes to each site, with some more dynamic features, but guess calling it mid sounds most logic, atleast thats how we defined it during the playtests. 

The map is abit different from standard, though its easy to learn and I think it needs time and some teamwork (especially as T) to master it. Mid might looks simple, but it has some dynamic features and especially CTs got quick rotation options to always backup their teammates. I guess you should play a few matches on it to find out and learn and master the map ;) Controlling mid on this map is taking a huge advantage over your opponent for both teams, so its quite important. CT own abit more of control on the map, but this can be shifted easyly, Though with the quick CT rotations it remains risky for T's and grenades are advised.

For an example T's splitting to B, but not owning the bridge/canal means CT can rotate from there easyly and getting behind them. T's splitting mid/A is a risk of losing the advantage of 5 vs 2, but when succeeding they get lots of control arround A and can even decide to smoke off A and go B/CT while taking a risk though. So as a T do you decide to split up or go full force trough the main path and remain control from there. I guess I provide a 'simple' layout where the player can try out different playstyles and tactics, I guess thats what you want when creating a CS:GO map.

Not sure if this clearifies things up for you or not, guess you should experience it. You might be right, more playtests should be done to know for sure. I guess a map always has room for improvement so.. though this mid is the core of the map and everything is based arround that from the start.

Edited by Roald
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey here's some of our progress. The map is coming along nicely and hopefully it will be in a playable state by the deadline ?

A sizable part of the map is still fully greyboxed so we're working to finish that up. We're also thinking of ways to colorize it or add more contrast because right now it's looking a bit flat. We'll probably go with black marble elements with white/gold writing on them. And some more overgrown stuff by the coast.










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  • 1 month later...

Anubis was a long and time-consuming project, but time flew as it was a lot of fun to work on with my teammates @jd40 and @jakuza who did an amazing job!
I think we can be proud of what we reached so far and looking forward to where we can bring this project. 
The below screenshots do not do any justice to the actual beautiful footage ingame, so yeah check out the workshop!
new workshop link: 



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