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Well two themes on my list are already taken (Tiger Nest Monastery and a Pirate town/bay) so yeah lets just get a thread out there with a theme idea. 
While working on the PVKII mod I enjoyed working on the map Desertruin (set in ancient Egypt) so perhaps its also cool to create a map with this theme for CS:GO. 

Edit: I will be working with @Momoderator he will be working on the custom assets for this map! 

Here is a litle moodboard, there are so many more cool refs! Mostly from Assassins creed

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So I did some thinking about the layout with the references in mind. Here is a simple layout drawing (digital, since my handdrawing became unreadable for u guys :D) and one with art concept already in mind to identify places. When building this in hammer I might move B bombside more central to the map so the layout is less wide and probally change some other stuff to as hammer is way different then drawing :D


So basicly there is a main dirt road connecting CT and T spawn which goes near B bombsite.
The bottom is a large river with vegetation near it and T spawn is on the harbor.
There will be a market in the more open area near the road 
Most of the negative space on the bottom will exist from those cool litle stone houses, upper area will be more royal/temple like
There is a canal connecting A and B with a bridge that crosses the canal leading to mid and both bombsites
Bombsite B will be a temple kinda thing (mostly outside), bombsite A a spa/relaxation thingy (indoor) and CT spawn will exist from ruins. 
Background will be desert mostly, some rocks, some vegetation, some pyramids and farming fields, anyhow check the refs below ;)


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I wanted to wait till the layout is whole, but saw so much cool updates coming by I just have to share the things we are currently working on. 

@Momoderator has converted some assets we used on the Desertruin map for PVKII, we will use it as a base to expand on. The assets are originally created by @LATTEH and edited by @phonebooth

I bumped into maaaany challanges already and i think the biggest challange is keeping the map compact as the egyptian structures are huge and I want to put in so many ideas in just one small map which is competitive based. Its a new workflow to focus so much on the art direction already while grayboxing the layout and I hope I can get it done well :D

Below a few screenshots of the start of the graybox with a few of the asset placeholders being used to see how they look ingame and what feeling we are going for. Again, these are placeholders!

Bridge to midle and canal functioning as A/B rotation for T's

View from T spawn

B main route, will change from the layout drawing as the road is terribly open and no good for gameplay




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I had some great feedback yesterday and with that I will change both sites abit and also CT spawn. I might smallen the whole map aswell while doing these changes, there is enough room for T spawn to move forward. The biggest challenge remains the large ancient egyptian structures build in a small compact competetive enviorment, but there is always a way! Anyhow thanks for the much love and feedback guys! ?

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So we just found out there is a map on the workshop named Pharaoh which looks pretty cool, so we decided to change it to 'Anubis'. 

I have had some feedback which is awesome, because I was not happy with B bombsite and CT spawn and this encouraged me to do some big changes.

Check out the new radar and go ingame to see the new changes!

And here you see the earliest chokepoints. Map control is 50/50 when CT push and like 40/60 when they defend from site.

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I haven't opened up Hammer for a long time since the playtest, but finally managed to make some big changes in the layout, which is mostly smallen the map size and decrease the timings alooooot.
New radar:

Tighten up midle canal, oh and weapons/bomb now 'float':

New B bombsite and CT spawn:

New T spawn, moved forward on the road:

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The layout is easy to understand and allows for lots of nade lines and strategies. Also, the early art looks great while still feeling like counter-strike.

Here are a few observations:
The sphinx might serve a better purpose if you move it to the right to block up this sight line.




This sounds stupid, but the arrows confused me rather than helped me when I was learning the layout. Since they are only there to guide people I feel as if they should be more intuitive.




This sightline might make it hard for T's to turn back and change direction. Also It can see all the way to the bridge, idk if that is intentional.




The block my crosshair is on looks accessible (not really important but still)




These planters also feel accessible but its not too problematic.




Unaligned vertex I think.





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