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WIP in WIP, post your level screenshots!


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Oooh that looks awesome. Does it hold up when you go higher up in the air? Game environments always tend to lose their awesomeness when you go higher up, and you can see the bounds of the map.

Thanks! I'm really excited to see if I can make everything look right from the max height by using as much of the 3d skybox as possible and then painting more into the 2d skybox.


This is what it currently looks like at the top, but geometry starts to glitch out at this distance. The green perimeter is the play area limit. I'm not sure if I should keep the vast plain as it is or work detail in closer to the player. Any thoughts?


Also I'm using almost all the grid and can only hope no issues arise in the future.

Edited by Chopium
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If it's for Gary's mod, maybe you're best off keeping the level of detail as low as possible in the playable area, and keeping the vast plain everywhere else.

You should try messing around with distance fog and try to blend the 2d skybox with the fog so the transition is seamless, but it might be difficult with that sunset in there. Keep on tinkerin'!

Edited by PogoP
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Amazing work there so far, I love the style.

The composition could use a bit of work. If it means anything, the battle between the two was not the first thing my eye went to. The white car on the way left kind of distracts from whats going on as well as the god awful slant. This is my photo purist showing but my god do I hate when people slant their photos/scenes thinking it improves it.

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Thanks guys for the feedback and kind words :) Focus needs to be definitely on the police car chasing the gangster car, since that is the theme of whole scene. We'll see what we can do with another camera perspective. We thought the dude falling out the window is a nice funny touch, because he was shooting at the police but then lost his gun during the crash and still tries to grab it somehow.

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Hey guys, I'm new here and just want to introduce me with some screenshots and a problem that I'm facing while working on my current project: de_bermuda






These screenshots are not very up to date, some details as well as more textures were added, but I didn't make a final HDR compile so far, since I am not finished with some parts. If the final compile is done I gonna add a new thread to the 3d forum.

Now to the problem that I'm facing: When I'm adding a 3D skybox to give the map a greater horizon, the water starts to cast a dark shadow on the ground close to its surface. The result can be seen in the first picture very well. And without a 3D skybox everything looks good:


Can anyone help me out there? Would be pretty neat if there is a solution to it.

You can subscribe to my newest TESTversion of the map in LDR here: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=132920187 (hidden)

You can also play on the maptesting server, which is running the latest release candidate (HDR) 24/7 here:

Cheers and thanks for having me

Edited by roflzomglol
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