With the map going on rotation at FACEIT, here's the latest changes:
The focus this time was mostly on "space design", converting the blockout shapes to actual buildings, adding all the city architecture, the various alleys leading out of the map etc. Some of these additions did lead to layout changes which we feel are for the better.
The update just before Faceit mapcore hub week with de_Echolab!
Basic-art (whiteart) is done in ~35% of the map.
Layout changes comparing to last Mapcore stage 1 hub week:
-Heaven A added
-Vent B retake added
-Bridge mid ct top removed
-CT A-> top mid -> B route modified
-and tons of minor changes like; clippings/covers/angles/timings so on, so on...
Thanks for constructive feedback and hours which you have already spent on that map guys. Appreciate!