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WIP in WIP, post your level screenshots!


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Hey all! Time to unveil my latest project! Like any Level Designer, I have many started projects, but not very many have ever made it all the way to completion.
Anyway, I was browsing through all of my old UT3 Level files, when  I came upon one little gem of a layout; all of the basic brush-work was done, and most of the surfaces already had materials applied. It did not take much imagination to see where I could take it visually, and a few rounds with bots allowed me to discern that the layout was already quite fun.
This gave me the idea, of revisiting old concepts and layouts that I never had the time to finish. I would only work on the most promising ones, and after an evening of comparing various BSP shells, I have settled on 2 or 3 that I think will provide the greatest reward for the least amount of time.
In the interests of getting these levels finished in a timely manner, the rules are as follows:
No Custom Meshes
No Custom Materials
No Major Changes To Existing Layouts
What you see below, is the product of a mornings work on one of the most promising layouts that I found.
I am calling the map Despot, which is short for “Despotism”. As you may already be able to tell, the map takes place in the slums area of a futuristic city. A futuristic city in which the gleaming homes of the privileged exist atop great skyscrapers, and look down upon those less fortunate than themselves with disgust.
There are a set of contrasts that comprise the main visual themes of the map, which are:
The contrast between Light and Dark
The contrast between the shining spires up above, and the grotty slums below
The contrast between warm natural light, which struggles to reach so far down, and cold, artificial lanterns that light up the alleyways.
I also plan on having many dynamic elements, such as spaceships that fly between the skyscrapers, fans, hanging cables and wires, sparks, fog and smoke. These dynamic elements are what I believe will set this level apart from other Designs.
I will try to keep everyone updated, Feedback is very welcome.
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holiestcows: That neon yellow is bad. You can do bright colors but that is really hard on the eyes.



Cuplacakes: Looking pretty good for an early WIP. Work on breaking up those repetitive textures though. Also, your description makes it sound like you're going to be adding a lot of lights/moving things/etc. in the scenery area above the level. Be careful about doing this, since you don't want to end up drawing the player's eye away from the gameplay area and to some distracting scenery,

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Cuplacakes: Looking pretty good for an early WIP. Work on breaking up those repetitive textures though. Also, your description makes it sound like you're going to be adding a lot of lights/moving things/etc. in the scenery area above the level. Be careful about doing this, since you don't want to end up drawing the player's eye away from the gameplay area and to some distracting scenery,


Hey, thanks a lot! I'll bear in mind what you said about the textures in mind. And yes, the map is going to have many, many dynamic elements, I am contemplating even having dynamic weather. 


On the contrary to all of these vertical elements being distracting, they will be designed to draw players eyes upwards, and hopefully, towards the upper levels of the arena. The map will have many Z-axis battles, and hopefully by having eye catching elements above the player, I will be able to persuade them to not only look at the floor in front of them.


In the meantime, here is a slight visual update:


The pictures are links!



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Botanical Gardens WIP. The meshes in the indoor area aren't lighting very well at the moment...


Indoor area is a little bit too small. Both shown areas have too many straight lines along the edge of the map, needs a lot of breaking the lines/symmetry. Each of the two areas built in a day. One day spent sketching layouts on graph paper. The layout is changing a lot as I build and find ways to break symmetry by overlapping rooms/areas and to avoid "room hall room" syndrome.


I still have 4+ more smaller areas to build. A rear loading, storage and seedling greenhouse area, front entrance and parking, possibly a gift shop. So maybe by next week it'll be ready for testing and start the art process.







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