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Vilham last won the day on May 11 2020

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About Vilham

  • Birthday 07/10/1988

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  1. Congrats Marc, is it full remote.
  2. That reminds me actually, now I have a new PC I should actually play it.
  3. I finally tried wolfenstein young blood as everything zenimax was moved over to steam a while back. To be as polite as possible, don't play it. Also been playing Dyson Sphere program, its pretty good but it lacks the clear progression and ability to easily monitor your "progress/status" of your economy when compared with Factorio. The fact that your economy is split up onto different planets and you can see everything at a glance like you can on the factorio map makes it difficult to see what you need to do next throughout your galaxy.
  4. No idea on level designers, but just wanted to say great job on the tools. Am starting to learn unity and those were the first things I downloaded/enabled.
  5. Its very deck 17.
  6. Vilham

    Elden Ring

    Think I will be getting this and putting a pause on HZD FW tbh, not enjoying it much and this no doubt will be amazing.
  7. Vilham

    Elden Ring

    Yep, some of the best world/level design in any game. There is no game world that is as complex and yet has such good interconnections for quick movement around the map. DS2 and DS3 pale in comparison.
  8. Honestly I'm not sold, this has been tried a dozen times and sometimes with a hardware user bases larger than fakebooks current Rift base. Remember Playstation Home, had a user base of what, 40 million people, dead. Second life, dead. Those weren't VR, but is an even steeper barrier to entry. Plus VR chat currently exists for the actual innovators/first adopters of this tech (which is critical for something to grow) and that even though its available on Index/Vive/Rift and windows mixed reality has a tiny user base. I guess time will tell but right now, this is in the fad column for me. To be clear, i am sure VR gaming will continue to grow as the technology becomes more accessible, but I don't believe social VR will catch on and become mainstream.
  9. Vilham

    Game Awards 2021

    Home world 3 and space marine 2 ?
  10. It was a really good coop game, just the right difficultly for people that don't play too many games.
  11. Yeah Boi!
  12. So wait this has maps from older games? That must have taken a lot of work to make sure they are compatible with newer versions of frostbite, I would think a lot of stuff is different.
  13. Vilham


    I'm just surprised that nothing was already green lit, not even a pre production, like what executive sees the movie and doesn't go, "yep, people will love this".
  14. Vilham


    This movie explains things way more than the original movie. I havent read the books, but i feel this time I understand much more than watching the original. Helps thats its 3x longer than the original.
  15. Vilham

    Elden Ring

    It is "open world", its been announced as such for ages.
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