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In an effort to make A-Site more balanced, I've made a route for T's to get to the second floor on A-Site. I'm excited to see how it plays!

For any fellow optimization enthusiasts, my polycount stardards for custom models on this map are something like this:

Signage: High

General mall props and pillars: Medium

Conduits and ceiling tiles: Low








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So I think I've figured out the biggest weakness in the layout, this area was originally designed to be a chokepoint, but when CT-Spawn got moved back, it just became boring corridors. Then again, right behind this area is B-Site, so I'll try modifying the area to be more fun as well as adjust the timings a bit.


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Oh what a difference 53 years can cause on manmade objects, seems like the mall's flag has seen better days...

This is the final design for the mall's logo and flag, I'll get a nice screenshot of it near B-Site tomorrow. I'm so excited to get back to work on this!

P.S. Yes I'm aware that real life flags would just be a few threads if it were flying since the 60's, but it's still here because of video game logic ? I've legit seen some games with flags in much better condition that have supposedly been flying for centuries! (I'm looking at you Fallout...) So I'm sure this one can slide :)



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I've just been spending the day modeling the decorative trim for the escalators. I haven't finished making the rail for the décor, but I'll get it done soon! In the final version there will be 3 layers of wallpaper on the boxes with most of it peeling showing the other layers, but the 1966 version of the prop should do fine for the greybox.

The more I work on this map, the more it's looking like a darn IKEA store...


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Well, with a lot of help from @Interfearance I have a brand new layout idea to completely replace the old one. So this is just one last look at the old one before I scrap it. (I had deleted some parts so that's why it's missing the A-Site courtroom.

I'll be glad to finally replace this version. As I believe I was too faithful to the reference with this version and as a result, it wasn't really imaginative in any way :(

Also, just curious. Has any other map been set in a dead mall before? Just curious because if it's been done before and got popular, then it probably ain't exotic then ?



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