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About gav

  • Birthday March 8

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    Steel works
  • Location
    Victoria / Australia

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  1. Hi fellow Mappers, I have a simple little problem with CS2 hammer. In source 1 material tab you could select a face or surface and click on said object then replace the texture. In doing this you might change 300 items or so with the new material. I see the same tool in Hammer5 but it doesn't select the textured face when clicked and reverts to a texture you had used earlier. Sorry to be a dufus but I haven't mapped since the 2017 map contest. My map didn't make the cut so I sort of lost interest as I spent sooo' many hours to have a playable map fully optimized and ready by the First due date, which looking back was the only map to do so. Anyway that's how the cookie crumbles. JD40's Biome was an awesome map, and worthy of the win and the extended time. I deleted all my custom texture and model files a while back and now have a VMF mostly full of red and black checkerd textures, maybe be a porting problem but I am happy to just replace all of those textures and It would maybe be a breeze if I knew the easy way how. Please help an old guy By the way, good luck to all those mappers who have made this years contest cut.
  2. An Australian mining map ? That is fresh and innovative ? Looks good buddy
  3. Has to go down in CSGO history ! Surely
  4. Its just as I would expect Grapes - VERY NICE JOB
  5. trailerpark has obviously been over run by a sect, the people living there were easily influenced . They all thought it was a great idea to store the crates of explosives near the water tank.
  6. Great Work JD !!!! If i failed at making gravy in the comp at least I got the top 3 right . Fucking awesome work to ALL and a very special thanks to the guys who put in all the work running this thing . Mapcore legends
  7. Looks like fun Will . great job
  8. gav


    Looking nice but PLEASE fix the grain of the posts . Its not a big fix, but my eyes bleed when i see this on a high percent of maps where wood is used . Once seen it can't be unseen .
  9. Impessive looking first attempt- look forward to seeing more
  10. looking forward to see the progress
  11. gav


    Looking pretty finished
  12. Being in Oz these hubs make me feel like the ugly sister no-one wants to take to the dance. We are in the future and undoubtedly have the best of everything here but WTF we dont have a Faceit hub .
  13. Thankyou @Puddy
  14. gav

    [WIP] de_biome

    Next level JD
  15. Very very sexy
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