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Freaky_Banana last won the day on July 25 2023

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  1. I've moved house once again and in my new location am rocking on a refurbished laptop. I just found out it is so underpowered it can't even run the CS2 dev tools... Crying a little on the inside. I guess I'll stick to paint.net for the next couple of years.
  2. Nice work! I really like the indoor area's feel on the first picture! Don't know how much you want to lean into the fantasy of what most of us probably imagine Kowloon Walled City to look like or whether you are going for a more realistic rooftop, but checking references I saw a lot of damage all across the concrete structures and maybe not quite as much brick as you have used here. More corrugated metals, dull semi-seethru plastics and cages made of slim metal bars.
  3. This looks incredible! I loved the theme when mr.P did it for graveyard already, was very surprised not many others seemed stoked with it. Just looking at the overview, the timings seem certainly fast paced, should be fun! Best of luck, I hope the originality and quirks get rewarded!
  4. Very cool, Demolition has always been underrated! Good luck
  5. Stunning map! Really, really, really cool! Creative use of the environment for gameplay too, especially around mid and T Spawn! Probably my favorite entry so far! Don't get discouraged
  6. Unfortunately I don't have access to CS currently because I lack the hardware, but I would love to check this one out in game! Based only on the overview on your workshop page I wonder how rotations will work out. Especially T rotations look pretty long or unsafe. But of course I don't actually know, wo anyway best of luck!
  7. Wishing you the best of luck for finishing this! You'll definitely get it done!
  8. Very excited to see how this will work out! Do I understand correctly, that this is a Demolition map? Or does the map include some way of separating two centrally placed bombsites?
  9. Always excited for T-Rexer maps! Wishing you luck#
  10. Okay I'll say this: If it's important to you, it will be a good idea to learn those skills yourself. If you don't have them right now, chances are you might struggle in the program anyway. Maybe defer your application another year and take the time to work on these skills, rather than asking others to do the work you want to deceivingly present as your own...
  11. I played a few practice rounds with bots and it was fun! One issue I had was that the surroundings are often quite tight and sometimes also cluttered (e.g. the chapel) which makes navigating them during a gunfight a little bit of a chore sometimes. In addition the length of the engagement is often quite short, making MPs and SMGs pretty decent. I have a feeling that with even basic util lineups this map might be a run 'n' gun type deal. Also: Currently your map crashes my CS2, when I select a team (either team). The error is something along the lines of "missing error texture".
  12. Hey man, I played nine rounds on CT and T side each and gathered some first impressions for you. Here they are: https://imgur.com/a/uNBC5rU
  13. This is a CSGO release, right? Since it's a bsp file?
  14. Absolutely no worries, I really can't point fingers for incorrectly packed maps, haha. In the new version everything seems to work, only the radar blacks out once I go to the second floor. The map is cool! A little small maybe, but I can totally imagine a custom server runnnig this and having a blast with buddies. Don't really have specific gameplay feedback, since I could only test with bots, but I definitely liked the pathes you can take going left from CT Spawn! They are nice and clean, despite having interesting geometry! The cover on the right pathes instead created some janky angles, which is probably fine and part of the appeal as a more fun map. Also adding to that were the blastable doors! Probably I'd reduce how many you put on a single path (2 maximum seems reasonable), but they are fun . Finally, not sure how I feel about putting a hostage in a dead-end room in mid. Flushing Ts out of there is really hard without hurting the hostage. Would love to join a casual playtest of this!
  15. Hey man, wanted to check it out just now. The map's not packed. All black bounding boxes.
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