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Far Cry Primal


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I was hoping for dinosaurs, but I guess this is ok too :P I was a big fan of the first Far Cry. I remember these times when you always asked your buddies "but does your PC even run Far Cry?" If your PC could run Far Cry, you were the man basically. I've tried out all of games in the franchise, but I havn't really been stuck in them for too long. The mushroom trip in Far Cry 3 is so damn cool though ^^

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As much as I loved both FC3 and 4 (and 1 and 2 tbh), I think it's safe to say 4 was just 3 in Tibetan clothing. Yes it brought some new things to the table, but then so does COD with each iteration.

I'm not sure I like the look of this, it's like they've taken the Shangri La part of FC4 and expanded it into a game. But the video looks uber scripted so I shall reserve judgement until gameplay.

well there's no point in titling a game the same if you make a totally different game… what do you expect, a Far Cry that becomes Sniper Elite one chapter, an over the top shooter the other, come on.

Really being too critic!

What has COD done in 10 years, it gave us 2 sagas (one still ongoing, thanks to narrative bullshits tricks of dead characters not really dead!). Ghost and Advanced Warfare they feel like a spin off born from the acknowledgment of franchise tiredness, ripping off the games that COD players didn't play because they were busy with the previous COD.

Far Cry had the courage of (mostly) reinventing itself every time. Every chapter is unique. A different setting is a fucking big deal, without even pulling out the insinuations of COD actually recycling assets from one game to the other.

How can you compare the two brands when you go from a colourful island to bleak Africa with an accent on "survivalism", to an island again and then Tibet.

Yes the FC3 and FC4 have the same gameplay, but as said, different location is a big deal. Also in between you got for very cheap a beefy reskin that has been just praised by everyone.

Haven't seen all these negative comments for Just Cause 3, which really is the same of JC2, just with better graphics.

Sure is likely Primal will share mechanics that you can link back to FC3, but than what would be the point in calling it the same. But this is an FPS that has the courage to abandon fire weapons altogether, I think it's unfair to label it already as a clone! I'm really happy and appreciate Ubisoft for allowing a brand to sway so much, making every chapter unique (stand alone) when they could very possibly force the hand in continuing on a single narrative thread for a decade.

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ofc I don't expect each game to be completely different, I didn't say it was a bad thing for FC either, and I definitely didn't intend to imply that it was a quick job to make FC4. I loved both 3 and 4 without reservation.

What I'm saying is that I didn't notice that 4 did anything new compared to 3 (edit: maybe coop is only thing?). To me a game is more than it's setting, and I do appreciate the importance of it, but if the game play becomes stale then what?

Some games just don't need to be released year after year after year. I'm not a game developer, I don't know the ins and outs of development and I sure as hell don't know what management think when they try and pedal these games, but as predominantly a gamer it pisses me right off when a good game is bled dry. Luckily primal looks like a... far cry... from the current mix, and as I said, I will reserve judgement until I see actual gameplay and not a scripted sequence.

As I said to seir before, my mention of CoD was more in reply to Buddy's statement.

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Meh, I wish they went with the vampire/werewolf theme. Doesn't look like there will be a wingsuit/parachute/almost everything that made Far Cry 3 fun. The technological prowess of this period include spear-thrower and the invention of the wheel, what a blast this will be.

Edited by Klems
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100x easier to sell an established IP, than trying to push a new one

Not saying it doesn't make sense, but I feel like the setting is a bit wasted on Far Cry. Knowing Ubisoft we'll probably still be skinning animals with the same animation while climbing towers to discover points of interest nearby.

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Blackdog, do you work for Ubisoft or are you just a really big fan of the FC-series?


i just liked a lot FC3 and 4 (although haven't finished 4 yet, put it aside in February and never picked it up).

But it just gets to me that people are complaining a lot about clones… when the game couldn't be different? Doesn't sound objective to me.

@Overdoziz yeah looks like hunting will be way more prominent than previous chapters. And I'll tell you that I disliked the hunt before, don't like killing animals and they forced us to do for sport, trophies. In this one seems like it will be about survival instead. And those men were getting everything from animals so crafting should be more deep.

i think that the chosen era fits the brand perfectly, although I would have never wished to play as a prehistoric man.

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The technological prowess of this period include spear-thrower and the invention of the wheel, what a blast this will be.

Absolutely savage, actually made me lol.

I hope they've got an angle on this, because right now it's looking a little like "The Forest" as well with the other tribes. Also if they always talk in this unknown language, the entire game will require subtitles (hardcore difficulty turns subtitles off, making conversation decisions very hard).

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I'd rather enjoy learning (by unlocking) the language step by step, so you understand more, the more you've explored and discovered of the game. There was one game in the Final Fantasy series that did this correctly, don't remember which, but it was fun. Then again, if you're part of a tribe, you probably already know the language of yours (not necessarily of everyone around you).

This is definitely looking more interesting than dinosaur survival to me, although I'll probably never be bothered to play either of those.

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