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[WIP] de_Monsoon

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I've gotten plenty of work done on the map recently and finally have a radar that shows the map well in its current state (A is on the left, B is on the right). Since i plan on making many changes to the map in order to make it more viable any feedback you might provide is very useful. The areas that are the least polished at the  moment are the CT entrance to mid and the entire B side of the map. I can't wait to get more work done on this project, it's already my favorite map iv'e worked on!



I've also come up with a basic story for the map:

A group of terrorists are attempting to blow up one of two major drainage sites in a historic Indian fortress before a powerful monsoon hits.

Thank y'all for reading!

Update: here are some greybox screenshots with more updated visuals


1561967538_Screenshot(564).png.970ef59c481e18cf14173a6cc03e439b.png1642082095_Screenshot(562).png.20b63af75e664273572887bd3e892987.png180791869_Screenshot(561).png.a807ba6a973f28ac6f964200e63c9f40.pngScreenshot (569).png2003290968_Screenshot(563).png.06853abc4b02ae2c4f15c5487db967a4.png


Edited by Maritime
visual alterations, one image wasn't in the spoiler
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Sorry for not really updating the thread yesterday, nothing incredibly interesting has happened. I've been working on some layout changes but they aren't completely established yet. I did some "detailing" in mid using brushes and hope to get more done soon. Greybox is my favorite stage because i get to play around with new layout ideas and make mock up models until i have a good aesthetic.1080029532_Screenshot(576).png.1672f4bf07658580e6af1c033e46b6a1.png

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@Interfearance thank you, here is a real quick guide on how i made the angled windows, if you have any other questions just ask!



create an 8 sided cylinder then you create a window shaped brush like this:


then you rotate that first window by 22.5 degrees on the Z axis using the transform tool


After that you duplicate the window object, rotating it 45 degrees each time until you have four of them, one on each side:

Screenshot (582).png

After that you can carve the windows with the cylinder if you want:



Edited by Maritime
Step out of order
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@Roald Thanks,  this will be useful. Also I just found a temporary way to change to pivot point. You just have to duplicate the object and essentially mirror it across the point you want to rotate. Then select both and rotate and the rotation point will be the average center and therefore your desired pivot. This is kinda temporary but I feel like it has potential.

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Hey! I tried your map in a competitive 5vs5 game with Bots. 

The map seems very claustrophobic, particularly in the main path for site A and site B in general, and
 very T side, because terrorists can take many positions on the map faster than CT.

Another motivation is the bomb sites are very difficult to retake, particularly on bomb site B, because CT has only one main route against the two of the terrorists.




I like the Vent in the path to A, because it's a great point for grenade / flashbangs and for gun fights, but it's suicidal to go through it in crouching: Molotov equals automatically death . Perhaps if you can move normally like Nuke's vents, it can become a more valid way to get around the enemy.

Then there are some clipping problems in the yard that connects A and B and some invisible walls to remove in my opinion.



If the wooden doors in the CT Spawn and in the Courtyard could be shoot trought, it would been very cool!

I don't like the Ladder in Bomb Site A because i need to jump for climb it.

I find T spawn really like a place for camping very hard.



In conclusion I feel that the map has great potential! Even though it was only greybox, I felt a certain feeling with the theme, being very powerful with these high walls and the rain coming down.

I hope I was helpful, I look forward to seeing future updates! ?


PS : i don't know why but seems the bots prefer to go always to Bomb Site A. This has limited my test a bit, especially in CT side because i wanted to try defend  Site B but but they never show up ?



Edited by Boccolotto
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@Boccolotto,Thank you so much for this feedback, as of you posting this iv'e already drastically  increased T's timings (especially to the yard). I'll try to take into account as many of your suggestions as possible, I only just realized how useful that second path to B would prove! Also yes, bots are very bias towards bombsite A, i'm working on a way to fix that.

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