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Ghost Recon Future Soldier


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Really enjoying this so far, playing through it on elite and just got 100% ghost rating on mission 2 :D It's like the old school ghost recon games, quite tactical which I like, you don't get to play this way in many games nowadays (seems with this and Splinter Cell Ubisoft pretty much have that genre covered). There's also some pretty cool gadgets like the cloak and the weapon customization screen is nicely done, so yeah it's good, going to play some more tomorrow

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I don't think they did, though some of it will be down to personal preference. There is a bit of COD mixed into it, a few on rails sections, things like that which won't appeal to some. Also i've only played the two missions but it does seem like the game isn't content with you being super stealthy all the way through them, on both there's been points where I've had no choice but to become Rambo, the game kinda forces it on you. The first point of the first mission this happened - after I spent a while in the menus customizing my weapon for silence and range, I headed into mission 1 expecting to be some kind of ninja assassin. The first group of bad guys I encountered I sat near to and waited for their patrols to split up so I could take them out one by one, but it never happened. The only choice I had was to pop out from my hiding place and start spraying bullets at them, alerting them in the process. These are minor concerns as far as I'm concerned, but some may not agree :)

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I finished this over the weekend, so i guess I'll sum up my thoughts on it

The good:

- SP was pretty long, took about an hour a mission, 12 missions

- I liked the tactical elements to it, the cloaking and the drones and the target elimination system

- MP seems quite fun, not played it very much yet though

- Good that you can do it in co-op, though not tried yet

- Each mission seemed quite distinctive in terms of visual style and setting, which helped break it all up quite nicely

The bad:

- Visuals were pretty inconsistent (no offence 3Dnj!). In some places they looked quite nice (I think the lighting was generally quite well done) however in others they were pretty bad, there was a forest level at the end on which I encountered a section of rock bank which looked like it had a photo stuck on it and the floor below it was covered in stretched textures, how does this happen in a modern game? I know it was delayed but I didn't think the team had been that pushed for time, or am I wrong?

- Character animations in cut-scenes were a bit bad. There was one where a character got shot and suddenly his normal face changed into a dead face, was quite funny though

- Some AI issues, on one mission two of my team-mates got stuck whilst crawling under some collapsed debris, I had to quit out and restart just to get them back. Also in some areas I'd sneak around the enemies and proceed through the level, however my team-mates seemed to think an area couldn't be passed until it had no enemies left in it

- As mentioned before, not clear which bits you are supposed to be tactical/ghosty on and which you can't possibly be. I don't think I found one mission you can be 100% ninja on, there's a bit on each where the game forces combat on you

- I did a great run on a prison level, snuck around with no alerts and only had to take out 6 guards, yet I only got a 70% ghost rating? I assume this is because the rating system awards bonus points based on successful silent kills, yet this is flawed obviously as there are multiple ways to approach a situation stealthily.

- The game does take control away from you sometimes. In the on-rails shooting bits you only have a set FOV, so if an enemy is just to one side of that FOV you can't shoot him, which is odd

- Didn't find any real use for flashbangs, smoke or normal grenades or the EMP on the drone. Seemed easy enough just to use your team-mates to take people down and if you got alerted you just shoot everyone

Seems like I have a lot more bad points, but I'd still give it a 7 or 8 overall, with SP, co-op, guerilla mode and MP there's a lot of content packed in so it's worth playing I think

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I totally agree with you about the visual... I have been on the mission which had the further delay in graphics (you can easily guess that it's the Deep Fire mission ^^' ) and on the guerilla mode a the same time during the last months of dev.

An the joke is that even if my maps needed a lot of more work, they asked me to work on another map wich where near to the end... because you know, some mission where more important :o

For grenades, smokes are usefull when you are under supression fire, EMP is usefull when you fight Bodarks.

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GRFS looks tip top, and I'm really glad to hear that it's still a tactical game.

How does it feel playing Ghost Recon in 3rd person?

LOL< the console versions have always been in 3rd person :P

Yeah I forgot about that, and the fact that you also had the medic class on console.

I've always played Ghost Recon on PC.

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Started this last night with two buddies on campaign co-op... hugely disappointed so far. The game is super-on-rails linear, locked FOV stuff at times, tons of random fail conditions that suddenly turn on and off that make no sense. At times the duration of cutscenes are longer than the actual gameplay, and the cutscenes are just your uninteresting generic military banter that most of the time you can't even skip. The first cutscene literally has dialogue like, "John Smith has a information we need, blah blah blah lets go get him". I installed the game to my HD just like it recommended, and still on the weapon customization screen it can take ~3 seconds to display anything on each screen. The game feels much less like a tactical game and more like "do exactly what we tell you to do because we're telling you it's tactical or you will fail". The checkpoints are some of the most poorly placed before cutscenes, or before long drawn out sequences that you will agonizingly play over and over. This is especially bad for the room breaching sequences that go into slow motion that are cool once, and having to play them multiple times because someone fails for some obscure reason is infuriating.

I checked out the multiplayer skirmish mode (not sure what it's called exactly) which was also disappointing. Small maps where you overtake a defensive position, and then trying to hold the position against one wave of enemies at a time in what can be really bad defensive positions (various straight line pieces of cover that constantly have you getting shot in the back). Some of these areas also highlight how broken the game can be where I was up on some stairs on an elevated defense position, and the cover system prevented me from aiming anything lower than the height my player was at, so I was killed.

First impression; maybe worth a rental or borrow, not worth $60. I'm also just one guy, so if there's a demo or something check it out :P

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