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ElectroSheep last won the day on February 9 2023

ElectroSheep had the most liked content!


About ElectroSheep

  • Birthday 03/08/1987

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  • Real Name
    Valentin Levillain
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    Level Artist
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  1. Hola, Happy to share that I'm now Environment Artist Senior at Blizzard https://valentinlevillain.artstation.com/
  2. Frosty included in the game for smissmas 2022 after all this time . I honestly think the map plays poorly but, eh!
  3. Playing a lot to hunt showdown since almost a year. One of the best mp experience i've ever played.
  4. Doorframes in this games are the best.
  5. I unfortunatly have a lot of crashes, and in Deathmoop it means : start from the begining, yeaaaaah !
  6. People just don't update their drivers and then are not happy when everything is burning.
  7. This will make me happy until Prime 4 is out
  8. Ho yeah good ol' times !
  9. The beginning of Destiny 2 had its moment : One of the map of Magic Arena has a cool song that change depending of the cards you are playing (if they are from a certain guild, the music just merge to the theme of the guild) it's pretty sweet and I don't understand why so much work were put on this one The original : The 10 guild themes :
  10. This looks reaaaaaally sweeet! It demonstrate how tf2s DA is top notch and that the game only needs an engine update. This lighting
  11. Man, stop the whataboutism. So she should shut up because at least she can vote here ? ? And Mitchell, I aggree with you with most of your points. I'm not saying it should be 50/50 it's impossible. I repeat, i'm against quotas. But on my team it's 0/100 ans it's not for the good reasons.
  12. The issue there is, even if the question may be snarky, when you are an important figure like, for this exemple, dev of one of the most important game of the era with a room full of fans and with probably millions of people watching this conference, don't act like a fucking rockstar. You are giving the message to player that it's normal to act like jerk with women gamers. But, ho well, I should not be surprised from a country where you just need to "grab them by the pussy". I'm against quota, I think it would make it worse, for reason like the one you mention. But you can't deny this industry is too much dude sided. Early from the nineties, advertising for video game were massively oriented to guys. Small example : Lara Croft was sexualised as fuck, I don't think it was intended by its creator. If you want to have more women in the industry, just show them that they have a place there. But how do you do that with all the shits that happen ? Dude, explain to me why women I know who plays Overwatch are too afraid to use the voice chat ? Because gamers are a fucking nighmare, of course she needed to be brave to ask stuff like that !
  13. Loved it. Nice combo of Re7 and Re4. I wish it was a bit longer.
  14. Finalle started Deep Rock Galactic with friends. Reeaaaally fun shit
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