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Everything posted by Grinwhrl

  1. Sequel on the way called The Wasteland! http://www.forbes.com/sites/benjaminmoore/2015/05/19/mad-max-fury-road-sequel-wasteland/
  2. Going to see it again Monday XD
  3. Movie was awesome, go see it!
  4. 98% out of 60 reviews on RottenT
  5. I took off Friday just to see this that morning! + extra long weekend.
  6. http://imgur.com/a/K3uFC Another one to add to hypocrites that think this was the next coming, but isn't. I'm not trying to dis the game in anyway, I think it looks excellent even with the optimization downgrades. Gonna be picking it up when it comes out as well.
  7. I do agree, from a freelancer perspective much like a Youtuber/Streamer, which I was not thinking about earlier; if the market is truly large enough now, its great people could start making decent income doing what they love within the comfort of their home. I hope its somewhat regulated though. Like other people have said, it could be risky to buy some of this stuff and not have it work, or whatever reason.
  8. If money is involved, the whole magic of modding is gone. The freedom of creativity within the community is broken. The workshop here is what gave these games longevity. It expressed the creators talent and expressions. It was a place to start for some, a place to learn for others, etc. Money involved just weakens all of this in my opinion. Edit: Following up from what Sjonsson and FMPONE said, I do agree, from a freelancer perspective much like a Youtuber/Streamer, which I was not thinking about earlier; if the market is truly large enough now, its great people could start making decent income doing what they love within the comfort of their home. I hope its somewhat regulated though. Like other people have said, it could be risky to buy some of this stuff and not have it work, or whatever reason.
  9. I didn't care for the CG trailer much, because there has been so many better ones, but I am really looking forward to this game!
  10. I liked the new trailer, looks fun, even if some of it looks cheesy as hell.
  11. "That’s our frostbite engine that we’re using, and all the assets that are in the trailer are actually from the game. None of it is fake really. It’s the game’s assets. Of course there are cinematic things we’re doing that is hard to play, but we want to prove that we can make our own trailers in the engine that we’re also making the game for. But we don’t try to trick anyone." Sounds Promising. Looking forward to seeing that 7 minute gameplay though.
  12. Yup, Star Wars Celebration weekend.
  13. Grinwhrl

    GTA V

    I use M&K for driving, and love it. Takes an hour to get it down. The game became so much easier with mouse and keyboard, shooting is actually fun and accurate.
  14. Season 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OfU7CGY5DQ
  15. Farcry 4 didn't Edit: I didn't see they were going for 60fps, that explains it.
  16. The house map looks as if it got a serious downgrade
  17. Fair enough for those who like this, but that show is retarded, it makes no sense and is just plain annoying to watch. Quality maybe, but writing is laughable and embarrassingly bad...
  18. The exterior environment looks really nice.
  19. Latest episode was awesome!
  20. Kingsman was really good! If you liked Kill Bill or Kickass, its worth seeing.
  21. You pretty much summed up why the plot was so good. The journey to failure; no single man would be able to win against such an army alone makes him relate able. So the plot is good because the main hero is completely unnecessary? I don't think I agree. That kinda goes beyound the point on whether the movie is good or not. In the last scene, where the ghosts attack the Nazis you don't go all like: "Look at that shit... ghosts killing nazis and the hero is tied to a pole, such a useless hero" It's all about the journey and the way the scenes are cut together, and yes, the fact that he tries his best against an unbeatable army is part of why it's so relatable. Exactly. If you don't agree or like the plot, fair enough, there are plenty of other aspects from the movie that made it great. We don't see much of this in movies anymore. Resident Evil movies are a prime example of these problems.
  22. You pretty much summed up why the plot was so good. The journey to failure; no single man would be able to win against such an army alone makes him relate able.
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