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Everything posted by KoKo5oVaR

  1. Close budget and a whole reworking of the inhouse engine during the developpement, that's what happened to rome 2, kind of the same story as with empire tw :/. However Total warhammer should be much better at release, given the fresh air it gives to the art dev team and the engine should be well polished by then, and hopefully sega will give them BUDGETS.
  2. Likewise i don't think it has much to do with religion, well actually it does a bit, but so little that it would be way too simplistic to explain this kind of situation by religious intolerance only. This kind of symbolic acts made in the name of culture/religion/tradition always come from a very contemporary political/social tension boiling down but which can't be played on the political field. There is tension between the western block countries and the arabic world at play since the decolonisation which still keep the arabic world into political instability and there has been an increase since 2000 for the reasons we know. There is also a franco-french problem which makes that the majority of the immigration issued population come from algeria/tunisia/morocco. Those lower class populations where isolated not only culturally but also locally, mainly by the logic of the renting market which kept immigrants out of certain parts of cities to not make the prices of certain living areas going down. Well obviously this creates unrest and division. For example the suburb town i grew in for 20 years is still nowadays ~90% muslim or people issued from the arabic immigration. So of course i can only speak for myself, but when there is a period of political instability it always cracks first at the most weak point of the society stability. That's why i'm pissed off when the most read free newspaper in france title : "the hatred of free speech" or "is there a problem with islam" when it's all but a false debate, but a structural issue that should be discussed as why the society manage to create such individuals and why the french children issued from the algerian immigration still don't feel accepted by their society 50 years after. Which is definitely not new and much bigger than me
  3. I've been playing Halfway which surprised me to be an excellent tactical rpg, kind of a simplified xcom, lovely pixelart graphics, cool atmosphere and nice story. Until i've reached midgame and stopped because somehow everything went all panzerklein on my face, if you know what i mean. So it's a well fitting name for the game.
  4. You really need to get rid of that job including dickhead collegues sprony, and sell that house. Pretty sure things would get better if you get rid of these two burdens
  5. KoKo5oVaR


    I cannot think of something higher than pedophilia on the ladder of transgression if you want to do it right. Maybe sexual intercourse with trisomic babies followed by cannibalism ? Let's have a little brainstorming guys
  6. KoKo5oVaR


    The thing is, i'm ok with the doxa of free speech, i mean i don't mind the most hardcore porn even the one including oysters and chorizo. But i just don't want it pop under my eyes at the regular store i go buy my videogames. Question of standards
  7. KoKo5oVaR


    I wonder when someone will have the balls to make a game about playing a pedophile serial killer in an open world environment.
  8. KoKo5oVaR


    "Good luck with your game." - Gabe Newell
  9. So i finally saw it with friends, apparently i couldn't avoid it , well i'm glad because this was a decent movie, although i feel the urge to keep my honest opinion to myself to avoid a flow of hate on my face However :
  10. I'm more disturbed by the kickstarter video than the game idea itself, which i find quite touching.
  11. Two or three more movies like this, and i'm ready to sign up to the scientology church
  12. KoKo5oVaR


    They are far worse than that, hahahahahaha
  13. KoKo5oVaR


    To the blizzarians (lol), i wonder, is that how titan was supposed to look like ?
  14. KoKo5oVaR


    After Valve went and assimilated dota, Blizzard is trying to get their own tf2. Who will win the war of the nerds wallets? discuss Congrats to all the mapcorians involved btw :]]]]
  15. Despite a shitty title I was eagerly waiting the release of this for a long time, now the game has been released on steam and it looks orgasmic for shamely non-assumed wargames players like me.
  16. That's a shame the concept is awesome but after seeing some gameplay videos of it, it seems to have this "MOBA" feel to it that makes me go meh; more about getting healthbars down than gameplay/visual feedback if you see what i mean. Need to try this out though
  17. I dunno i should have a sort of plastic trophy with my name on it for 1 million sales of rome 2, unfortunately i left before and i don't have anything to put on my chimney, mark should know
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