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Everything posted by Mazy

  1. Mazy


    Yeah, it's incredibly sad :( It's been the absolute best time of my career, working together with some incredibly talented people and just having a great time making games. Really thankful and impressed that we actually shipped a game of ECHO's size with a tiny team, that was also critically well received (as well as winning a bunch of awards). Also just sad that the world will never get to see our second game, was really something special. BTW I'm back at IO again, most of the team has found new jobs, though not quite all.
  2. Mazy

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Looks amazing! Hopefully it'll be the Cyberpunk GTA I've always wanted, and more! GJ knj~~
  3. And now I wanna play the first Max Payne again
  4. Mazy

    God of War

    http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/god-of-war Oh My God of War? Can't wait to get my claws on this. Really in the mood for a good a action adventure brawler~~
  5. Mazy

    Anyone At GDC?

    Yeah man Hopefully I'll be back at GDC next year And thanks! Now I can cross off being nominated for an IGF award from my game dev bucket list (not too sure about the winning part tho :D)
  6. Mazy

    Anyone At GDC?

    I'll be there! Come by the IGF Pavilion and say hi (we're nominated for an IGF Visuals award with ECHO so we've got a booth there)
  7. Yup, totally crazy finale, my money was on FaZe. Sadly I fell asleep midway through de_train, but holy crap it's gotta take some intense endurance to play through all maps + the general overtime.
  8. Looks ridiculously good, I'm so ripe for playing it again.
  9. Mazy


    Grats on the release! Looks great~
  10. Mazy

    Nintendo Switch

    Love the Switch! Over the last year I've probably spent 90% of all my gaming time on the Switch, and primarily in handheld mode. Apart from the usual world class first party games then I've been catching up with a lot of indie games that I never got around to playing on other platforms. Only problem is that it's made me so lazy that I can't be bothered to sit up and play PC/Console games anymore
  11. Another new Death Stranding trailer! /me hides
  12. Really awesome stuff vivi, haven't tried it yet but I'll give it a spin a bit later~~
  13. It's been a while since I finished it, but man this game just leaves me with mixed feelings. As much as I loved the story, characters and moments (one of my favorite games from a narrative perspective in a loooong time), I almost equally disliked the actual gameplay. Really sad since I really liked the gameplay of the first Machinehead Wolfenstein. It's generally way too hard to play as a shooter, borderline broken (at least on anything above the very easiest difficulty), providing basically no feedback that you're getting hit, unless you keep your eyes fixed on your health bar at all times. I'm as tired of the generic red bloodvein borders illustrating that the player is hurt, but man I missed something as stupid like that when playing this game. On the other hand then it's also just not tight enough as an actual stealth game, and honestly most encounters feel like they're designed for stealth up until a certain point, where they want you to start playing more aggressively. The first game found a much better balance in my opinion, functioning primarily like an excellent shooter where stealth was a fun way to mix things up, but not actually required. Here stealth seems strongly encouraged, but without making it a better stealth game in the process. It's a damn shame. Anyway, with all that said I still recommend the game, the story and the places this thing goes to is simply that good. And yeah, the first couple of hours are the worst gameplay wise, but it does get somewhat better (and so does the story).
  14. Mazy


    Aww thanks guys, really happy you like it!~~
  15. Mazy


    Cool! Hope you like it :D~ Also, some reviews are starting to come in. We got an 8 out of 10 on Gamespot plus Kotaku really seem to dig it!
  16. Mazy


    After two and half years the game is finally out on Steam! Super proud of what we've managed to create. It's 10% off for the first week, and there's a new launch trailer as well. Hope you guys give it a shot http://store.steampowered.com/app/551770/ECHO/
  17. Mazy

    Shenmue 3

    Hah yeah. I still have my Dreamcast from back then, I think I tried hooking it up around probably 10 years ago and played probably 2-3 hours of it (just enough to get down the village) The entire daily cycle for the NPCs and forcing the player to be at spots at the correct time was still really impressive, kinda wish more games had those kind of elements today, but yeah I doubt I would've reacted as positively to Shenmue 1 today as I did back then (because man it moves slooow :D)
  18. Mazy

    AoE IV

    I hope it won't just be AoE:WW1/2, though I suppose that's something that would make sense with their CoH history Definitely excited to see what the hell this will be, even if Relic peaked with the first CoH for me, then they're probably still the best in the RTS business.
  19. Mazy

    Shenmue 3

    Hmm yeah, putting out a trailer with characters interacting without any facial animations isn't exactly a great decision, even if they are facing pressure from backers/their publisher, then this will hardly make it any better Does make me wanna go back and try the old games, Shenmue 1 absolutely rocked my world back when it came out.
  20. Mazy


    Hey, here's something more relevant to the Mapcore folks. We played through a level in the game to better show how the game's core loop works. Be warned though, has me saying stuff in it D:
  21. Mazy


    Haro! Long time, no posting. Been crazy hard at work on this thing, but we finally have a release date for Echo (September 19th!), along with a new trailer and article on Eurogamer.net. Hope you like it~~ http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-07-27-echo-is-a-mind-boggling-sci-fi-game-where-youre-set-against-yourself
  22. Mazy

    Nintendo Switch

    Game looks nuts, can't wait!
  23. Mazy

    E3 2017

    A Way Out definitely looks interesting, brave move to make a co-op only game and one that emphasizes couch co-op. Hope it pays off, would be nice with more games that are designed solely as co-op experiences.
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