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Everything posted by sk3tch

  1. Nice! I had an idea for a map like this but never went through with it. Looks good...hope you optimized it.
  2. Really outstanding in my opinion. Aside from the sharp corner comment (Which I would have personally overlooked) I can see the sheer time and effort put into this level.
  3. Dammit dude! That tree line still is the FUNK. Congrats on the release. Sometimes that's half the battle.
  4. I'm no expert in the topic...but based off what I see: -The tree line looks TOO even an repetitive...maybe if you're going to use the same tree model over and over, try rotating each one so they look different. -The garage with the car in it looks stale. There's no overhanging roof-line. A few suggestions would be to have a sign above the door, a pile of used tires to the left of the door, maybe some gutters on the garage, and the fore-mentioned roof overhang. I know you're not done...but it also needs a few props here and there on the exterior. Also...the walls outside look PLAIN. Maybe add some trim / ridges, ...something. Great start for a novice IMO. keep it coming.
  5. ...of course us stubborn CS:S mappers get the shaft.
  6. That is soo freakin' colorful. Good job...did you win?
  7. Awesome brushwork. Looks really good. My only complaint is that for the size of the fruit...shouldn't they be smoother in appearance?
  8. sk3tch


    2d-Chris! de_damn! (Big fan of that map) lol. I have to say aside from the crits I've gotten from this map elsewhere...I am most proud of this one. Thanks guys.
  9. sk3tch


    ****************************** de_Boston for CS:S by Sk3tch ****************************** DOWNLOAD: http://www.sk3maps.com/de_boston.html ---------------------- Intro ---------------------- The terrorists are planning on using biological and incendiary munitions to demolish the city of Boston, Massachusetts. To make the impact worse they must first destroy the medical and fire prevention facilities of the city, hindering Boston totally helpless against their violence. Terrorists: Destroy one of the two bomb targets. Kill any CT's along the way. Counter-T's: Prevent the T's from planting the bomb and kill any you find along the way. --------------------------------- Screen Shots: --------------------------------- ---------------------- MAP INFORMATION: ---------------------- Map Name: de_Boston Map Type: DE (Bomb/Defuse) Release date: April 29th, 2009 Bombsites Locations: Fire Department and Medical Supply room Available Weapons: Standard Map Environment: Indoor and Outdoor Map Theme: Boston BackBay Area Map's Time of Day: Evening Special Features: Color Correction Recommended/Maximum Players: 24/64 max Custom Textures Used: yes Custom Sounds Used: no .NAV File Included (for bots and locations): yes --------------------------------- Changelog for de_Boston (Since the beta): --------------------------------- -Improved the interior lighting and added more props. -Added a NAV mesh with place markers. -Made Sniper area above BombSite A (for CTs to cover the entryway). -Added a ladder for Ts to counter act the CT cover over the wall at mid. -Made fire pole climbable. -Made the approach times to choke points more even. -Added more env_cubemaps. -Made long halls where sniping occurs have more cover. -Made OverHead view map easier to read. -Made long approach for bombsite A more balanced DOWNLOAD: http://www.sk3maps.com/de_boston.html ---------------------------------------------------------------
  10. De_boston_beta Finally ready to release this beast. Any crits and comments welcome. Storyline: de_boston by Sk3tch http://www.sk3maps.com The terrorists are planning on using biological and incendiary munitions to demolish Boston. To make the destruction worse they must first destroy the medical and fire prevention facilities of the city. Terrorists: Destroy one of the two bomb targets. Kill any CT's along the way. Counter-T's: Prevent the T's from planting the bomb and kill any you find along the way. Credits: AHP clan, PhilipK, Ill_kid, MKZ, and ValVe. DOWNLOAD HERE-----------> http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/91855 DOWNLOAD HERE-----------> http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/91855
  11. I'm an ISTJ - The Inspector
  12. Well....I have Good and bad news. The good news is I backed up the VMF for this map in 3 different places. The bad news is I got the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH on the computer I was using....to the point it kept running scandisk and restarting. Finally it just won't reboot. The screen just stays blank. I'm hoping that even though I saved the VMF...I can still recover everything under the Steamapps directory...There was alot of custom stuff I don't wan't to re-download or re-create. In other words...this map won't get done for a while. BTW: ANybody ever have their computer (Blue screen of death, etc) go blank? If so...has anything been recovered off the hard drive? I need some hope...this has been pissing me off.
  13. I NEED YOUR OPINIONS!! Which building colors should I use for this section? Old way using de_train bricks New way using custom stuff. Which looks better / fits better?
  14. Season's Greetings from me and the family! http://www.sk3maps.com/xmas.html <------------Click this link.
  15. I can't really make a garage opening an arch...especially in boston. You did give me the idea for the curved wall near bombsite B (showed here: http://img234.imageshack.us/img234/7987/build9z2boston0002fl2.jpg). I will definately add trim and a slightly lowered door to make it appear better. Update: Worked a solid 4 hours today on primarily windows, skybox, debris, and adjusted some lighting. I figure since the map will be taking place in the afternoon, some of the buildings with hard shadows on them will have windows with lights on. I also made the windows randomly have half open/open/closed shades. I went about making the 3d skybox with the prudential and John Hancock towers among other fictional buildings to make it seem right. The Prudential tower is far from complete...but the basic structure is there (I'm not showing it yet...too early). This shot has the John Hancock tower in the background. I have details I see now I have to add to the left sidewalk. I have yet to fix that door sentura mentioned. The wall on the far left will have a balcony and windows for good measure. This shot demonstrates the lighting I used. I figure since there are hard shadows some of the windows would have lights on. I also changed all the windows so blinds are randomly present. This shot shows that even near the entrance of B bombsite the John Hancock tower hovers over. I also made the middle buiding section taller to make the map a little less single-planed.The ground is not final. This is near CT spawn. I have a bit to go on the rooftops of the buildings. I spent alot of time today making the garage different from the rest of the map. The ground is not final.
  16. Using the same characters too...looks cool.
  17. ...Now doesn't that make fuckin' sense! But you really can't do that on black friday unless the stores bend over backwards handing out numbers. Sometimes people wait in line for the store to open days in advance...It wouldn'y be hard to have an employee keep track of who got there first..etc. No way you could handle it like at a deli. There were cops EVERYWHERE where I was on black friday. I think the place in New York where the incident occured was a poorly policed area.
  18. Ferret: Signs in real life aren't that thick. Looks awesome tho. *edit* I meant the one hanging in the air. Quakis: Finally mapping for source huh? Looks outstanding. Did you make models for the colums or are they brush based with smoothing groups?
  19. Looks good! Could sure use a sunbeam/sun/SOMEthing in the sky tho.
  20. ...There ya go! ...and looking at the windows in the "main" alley...I need to use grayish window textures instead of blackish (They reflect nicely in game with specular on as black). It would be consistant with the second shot scene. That would make sense I guess.
  21. My wife tells me the part of New York that store was...she doesn't doubt that would happen. She's from Yonkers and knows the neighborhoods to avoid I guess (especially on black friday). The sad part is the dude that was killed was pushed against glass until it broke. ...No. For those of you that don't know, "black friday" is the day after Thanksgiving (A U.S. holiday) where just about all stores open early and have a huge price sale on thier merchandise. Sometimes cutting prices by 60-75% on such big ticket items like HDtv's and camera's. It works on a "first come first serv basis"...hence the stampede of people.
  22. ...What screenshot are you talking about here? If you mean #5 (in the most recent screenshots)...I'm gonna use it. If not...I'm curious. Where did you mean? I will get to curving the road and adding more props. Thanks for the info.
  23. RA7, I took into consideration what you said about the lighting....fooled around alot today with it and I feel morning / dusk just doesn't set right with me on this particular map. I did darken up the shadow areas. I think it makes it look a bit better. I will add skyscrapers in the skybox for sure...The buiding being built is a great idea. Those windows are dark because I had specular off for some reason. Updated ones WITH specular on:
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