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  1. Oh, hey Bluestrike! I bought the game this afternoon on Steam and its downloading. I've been reading and hearing a lot of great things about this game so I could no longer resist. I think I'll have quite a good time with this game tonight.
  2. For a second I thought this would be a game much like those old shady Nintendo bible games, where they took Wolfenstein 3D and replaced the enemies with animals from Noah's Ark and replaced the pistol with a slingshot, etc... Just watch the Angry Videogame Nerd if you're unsure what I'm talking about. However, what Bible Navigator X actually turned out to be proves to be much more disappointing as a gimmick. I can see its purpose, however. In fact, I think its even an interesting method to segway an Xbox into some Christian families, where a console just for games might be frowned upon, I don't know.
  3. I always like the idea behind such websites. With the tutorials, spotlight and member portfolios it reminds me a lot of Interlopers.net. Have you thought about the future and scalability of your website? Right now everything is created with iframes and tables in plain HTML pages that have their entire CSS structure in them each time. I can see this working for a simple website of a few pages, but if you want your website to grow with new content added (daily, weekly?) you will probably run into so many problems and headaches. It could be a good idea to give this some thought before going further with the website? It would also be a good idea to look at the information you release about your members. Mr. Happy's page for example has his email written right out in the open. Of course, I don't know if he wanted it this way or not. However, will all future members be happy with this? A good idea would be to look into image based solutions, or simply formulating the email addresses in a different way to prevent their email addresses from being picked up by additional spam. Good luck!
  4. Heh, I thought you hated Anime? Well, it looks like Alucard (read: Dracula) from Hellsing to me. Its not a bad drawing at all. To really display Alucard well enough, his pose should probably be a lot more mysterious and frightful, though. His eyes could have a different shape as well, small peering eyes for example as opposed to neutral big round eyes.
  5. Awesome job, Quakis. While I agree with the stuff mentioned earlier in this thread (that some things could have been improved) but you obviously recognize this, so no worries there. I'm sure that if you ever make another one, all those flaws will be ironed out. For the rest, I fucking enjoyed some of the fight scenes and the female character. It must have been really tricky getting some of that stuff to work right.
  6. I'll be at the Belgian GameJam in Antwerps together with my colleagues. Considering its in our office building and partly being organized by us. Nysuatro & Punky, be sure to bring your own laptops or something. Since I don't think we have any available desktop machines for the participants to use.
  7. Seriously, whats wrong with a hobby of collecting things? What does a woman even have to do with it?
  8. South Korea is seriously advanced when it comes to technology. They've always been ahead of the EU & US in that department. I'll see if I can ask some of my Korean friends if they know if its being used already or not (although, I guess the military wouldn't really be advertising the use of it publicly I suppose). Love the token South Korean female voice on the turret as well, which asks soldiers for a password.
  9. Of course its a number. Zero indicates that you have no items. "1 apple is 1 apple, 2 apples are 2 apples, 0 apples is nothing, nada, zilch. You can't give someone 0 apples." You can't give someone 0 apples, sure. But that doesn't mean its impossible for someone to have 0 apples. Numbers aren't about "possessing" something, numbers can be both positive and negative. For example, its perfectly possible for the weather to be 0 degrees Celsius or below. Your logic about 1-1=1 apple doesn't make any sense to me either, sadly. If there is one apple (1) and you remove it (1-1) then there are no apples (1-1=0).
  10. Haha, I like the Super Mario cartoon.
  11. That is awesome, I grew up playing that game along with Duke3D. Where did you find it, eBay?
  12. Your score: 4 Gender: Male Age range: 20-29 Best score for your gender and age range: 0 Highest score for your gender and age range: 1440 I should give it another go on my MacBook Pro, which has a proper bright LED screen compared to this dark LCD screen. Even so, I'm happy with a score of 4.
  13. Must be all of the gold chains, it blinds his vision. Congratulations on winning that computer mate, it looks like a beauty. I'm guessing it runs Crysis pretty well?
  14. Pretty cool. You should give Blood+ a watch. Its got a similar theme and style to it.
  15. ShaDoW

    computer racism

    Yeah, DELL can be pretty annoying when it comes to that. Another company that would seem likely of doing these sort of things would be Apple, but to be honest ever since they went Intel everything is pretty compatible with each other. I suppose the Mac Mini is a perfect example of a Mac playing nicely with PC hardware. I guess you will have to get a new monitor from DELL then? It would be a nice excuse to increase screen size real estate. Or maybe you can find one of those converter boxes or whatever?
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