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Ryan Spinney - Level Designer

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Nice pictures, but thats also the fundamental problem I have with this portfolio. It doesn't tell anything about the design, It's just pretty pictures (however they're really pretty :P). I would at least like to have say overview over the levels to make a judgement on the layouts. I like the website and its very easy to find things though, good job with that.


That's a really nice portfolio you've got there, like it a lot! solid presentation, fast loading images, nice color scheme and easy navigation.

One small critique though, when clicking on the images they don't appear centered on the screen and I always have to scroll down to see the whole thing. It's a bit annoying after some time, so I would definitively fix that.

I also would get rid of some of your 3d models. Showing too many untextured low poly models hurt a bit the overall high quality of your level design section, imo. Other than that excellent work there!


Thank you for the kind comments guys.

As for the image pop ups not appearing correctly - which browser are you using BJA? In Firefox the images appear centered fine but they dont track with you if you then scroll up and down with it open. Not sure if that can be fixed.

As for lack of layout shots - I'm going to be working on an Unreal project over the next few weeks while I'm on the look out for a new job.

I plan to go through all stages of production, from a design doc and concept images all the way to custom models and a finished level. This should help bulk out the design side of things. However I think I'll also take some annotated overhead shots of the other maps to help explain my work a bit better.

Cheers :)


I would highly encourage you to get into Wolf and take your own screenshots of the areas you specifically were responsible for. It's always a little weird seeing images pulled from IGN or GameSpot on a portfolio. Sometimes it's what you have to do, especially in the case of a console title where you aren't as likely to have easy screenshot-taking access, but for a PC game I'd recommend always taking your own shots. Given the nature of Wolf MP and it being shuffled around a bit, I think it's even more important you focus in on your specific contributions, as this type of question will come up in interviews. The more you can do to to address that ahead of time, the better off you'll be.

Even if the shots you posted are of levels you worked on, marketing shots are going after very different things than what you want to show in your own shots... and let's be honest, Activision doesn't take great screenshots. :(

Your site itself looks solid, btw, I just think you'll be able to show your most recent work a lot better with your own shots :)

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