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Good game shop in the UK?


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Thing is that they arent gonna release the HL2 CE until like December 10th here, which I find pretty damn unfunny, so I was wondering if some of you brits could give me a link for a good UK game shop that ships to the rest of Europe n' shit (given that HL2 isnt released on the 10th there too).

Been googling after something without any sites actually having the CE

/me flipflops away

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http://www.hmv.co.uk <-- got H2 CE from them good service


and im spent :)

could try froogle.google.co.uk still in beta but meh might turn up something

not sure of euro costs either D;~

but if you get really stuck i can also send it on for you if you want

think i'll ask around at work as well see if anyone has some sneeky contacts

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