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Everything posted by text_fish

  1. I didn't play all the way through 4 or 5 and phonecalls were one of the reasons in both tbh. I get enough annoying side missions from my phone in real life, so I want GTA to just let me drive around exploring and fucking shit up. In terms of a diegetic way to deliver missions pagers aren't so intrusive, or if they really broke the mould they could go in to the future and have the main character wear some sort of cyber-goggles where missions get dropped, again in a non-obtrusive way. I never felt like it was difficult to find side-missions in the 2D GTA's or 3/VC/SA.
  2. I hope they set it somewhere other than America for a change. It would also be nice if it predates the ubiquity of mobile phones so that gameplay isn't constantly interrupted by incoming phone calls.
  3. text_fish

    Alan Wake 2

    John Wick as played by Jake Gyllenhaal? Not sure about this whole "survival horror" thing. I hope they still have a few balls-to-the-wall action sequences with cheesy heavy metal. I feel like Alan Wake should be 80/90's "dark", not 2021 "dark".
  4. I feel like this is representative of the age of the average CSGO player. We all wear our trousers a little higher and spend a little longer in the bathroom now, right?
  5. text_fish


    Oh yeah, this game exists. Does it have a level editor yet?
  6. I just generally miss the days when a new game release meant loads of new mods. It seems these days like companies (including Valve sadly) will only enthusiastically support the modding community if it produces something they can monetise like weapon skins etc. SourceForts was my personal favourite of the 00's.
  7. Presumably someone at Valve once said something not racist, and now all the MAGA's think Steam is a communist state, which is important to point out when talking about a mod that they had no involvement in whatsoever.
  8. I guess it's a Marmite issue! I feel like the original SS already had very busy visuals with its repetitive tiled textures and cramped environments. Looking at screenshots of the original I can see why the lighting could be causing you readability issues. Maybe Nightdive should allow users to toggle some sort of readability mode that makes the environments full-bright (or at least more simplistic lighting) and gives items and monsters a very slight shadow around their edges to make them pop.
  9. I really like what they've done with the aesthetics so far. I want it to feel like a game space rather than a real place. I feel like the Bioshock games over-relied on visually impressive set-pieces which is fine because it's a different IP, but I wouldn't like to see SystemShock's design focus move in that direction.
  10. Without clicking the link, I'm going to guess Boomer, Sprinter, Fire Breather, Charger/Tank, Stealth/Hunter, Spitter.
  11. I personally still prefer to read games journalism than watch/listen. I've come across very few streamers who aren't annoying a/f. Most of them seem completely unwilling to actually script their content in advance or edit down their resulting jibberish before uploading. It's also easier to read discreetly during work hours.
  12. I hope that's not locked down. My usual 4-player coop group would eat this up.
  13. Oooh this is exciting. Good luck all, I can't wait to try out the results. I wish I could enter but I've got a baby due any day, so it's probably not even worth my time making and subsequently abandoning the usual WIP post. ?
  14. Looks pretty neat. It was kind of cringey when they called it an "unofficial 6th episode" though. That's the sort of thing the community has to decide, not the makers.
  15. Self motivation is a lot easier if there's a smattering of fear that a colleague might walk in to your office at any moment. I would think Valve's model would be more susceptible to the common problems of WFH, because they don't have such a rigid hierarchy enforcing deadlines and guiding development. Edit: I also wonder if Valve's model only works well when there's a big exciting project on the go. Even if there is something big like L4D3 or Alyx2 in the pipeline I feel like it would be difficult to maintain excitement when it's kept secret and you know all of your fanbase are only seeing boring steam updates or something. And if you're not excited by your work, self-motivation becomes that much more difficult.
  16. Quake is one of those games that keeps me coming back for a few months every year or so, and I'm always astonished by the quality content people put out for it. I've been mapping for it since it first released, but with very little to show for it publicly aside from the odd speed-map release here and there. I have a HDD full of scraps and half-finished levels which I want to release as an episode one day if I have time to piece it all together. Here's some pictures of the obligatory first base map. Do you map for it?
  17. I can highly recommend Menetettyjen Valtakunta if you haven't already played it. It isn't quite as visually spectacular as the more recent AD maps, but it's still pretty breath-taking in parts and it uses Copper mod which stays much more faithful to Quake's weird thematic mashup than AD.
  18. Versus mode never really clicked with me, but my friends and I still jump in to a campaign from time to time. I don't think anybody's ever made a better coop game. Looking forward to trying out the new content.
  19. I feel like Valve either got rid of -insecure mode or somehow changed it in a fairly recent update, but it's just a vague feeling so I may be talking out of my arse.
  20. I like the boxiness. It's very utilitarian, so it reinforces that "tin can floating in space" vibe that will contribute so much to the fear. I do agree that it doesn't seem like they've been making a lot of progress, though.
  21. "But you can't have exploration without curiosity..." That's like, soooo deep, dude. Pretentious guff aside, the visuals are worth skipping through the muted video. ?
  22. Nice progress. I think the lilac colour looks kind of ick though. A pastel green could work there, maybe in a slightly darker shade to offset those spotlights.
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