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Everything posted by leileilol

  1. Unofficial 3.24 and DirectQ II are the only real Q2 source ports. the rest are just buggy particle system exercises that don't fix stuff, force changes to q2's aesthetic because programmers, or 'modern' ports that regress everything. DISCLAIMER: Wrote a software rendered port myself, . and despite what it does, I don't recommend it. It would be nice if some of its stuff got ported to super8 though, or whatever DrywallDreams is doing
  2. Yeah that made up for the horrible season of Fear. I'm still feeling empty though :(
  3. It also has a workshop so now you can put your maps on there (after tweaking, fixing and recompiling of course) Too bad it's already infested by thieving lamers
  4. Congratulations to the Q3 mapping scene survivng for this long, you guys are the glimmer of hope in the sea of Q3dm17/Q3DM1 edits and Q2toQ3 conversions
  5. i'd like some useful words thanks. For years i've never recieved **any** criticism from artists
  6. it's too late for 0.8.1, anything new will be in the later 0.8.2 patch
  7. Got GL version compiling, eat a blurry video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rerMhbR6Oio p.s. i did sound effects also
  8. they are placeholders, they stop the engine from crashing
  9. Starts with Q, ends with e I couldn't get the GL version to compile. Yet. You will have to put up with 256-color software mode screenshots for now
  10. this is a crappy shot of the WIP Assassin model
  11. long story short, some guy gave me 30mb of stolen textures in the last release (0.8.0). This pissed me off a month after release so I had to take down the latest release. This made me totally demotivated and mad. I need something to make up for it like good player skins. OR MAPS LOL I don't know why I never posted about this game here before but anyway this is the zip of objs of models to Download the SDKs zip oh i'm an a hole trying to mooch off my enemies for free. There's probably no interest because 1. it's not Source 2. it's not Source 3. It doesn't involve bullet assault/sniper rifles 4. the license (GPL v2) scares the stingy ones. bah. trying my luck for one last time for the sake of years worth of free labor.
  12. for a second I thought it was Pinball Dreams, was like wtf that old game is defended in 2008 with fines!?!
  13. I never got my key and invite and i was invited 3 times. but basically it's a wulfram-style launched quake3 with widescreen hud and an ad in the corner. Nothing really new.
  14. nothing beats selecting edges and hitting COLAPS
  15. I was going to finish this but you know what? fuck you crapcore
  16. peewee herman isn't a paintball player
  17. this is quite the nice pictures you're pimping in the gallery here yep post more
  18. leileilol


    Infinity is suck an overused name
  19. Yes, but no Creative Commons (((( LGPL, Modified BSD, MIT or GPL license is great though they just added my mesh the other day
  20. but who cares about dumb ass barrels and gravity guns!!
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