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Everything posted by Cybbe

  1. Popping in to say congrats mate! :3
  2. I may not be very forum active anymore, but I reckon it's time for another yearly post! This is me at a friend's place getting ready to head out for a pirate party She helped me pick out the parts for the costume. She called me the day before and told me I had to go, so I was really in a rush, but it ended up pretty good She also did the makeup.
  3. ????? In all the time I played I had literally zero lag issues. Maybe your settings are too high and it's in fact an FPS issue instead? Also sniper instagibs if you'd stop firing the bullets like it's a semen sprayer and actually try to make a headshot. This is BF, it's always been like this. But yah, I imagine it's not a game for everyone.
  4. Cybbe

    Mass Effect 2

    Tali and liara are the hardest. You need to literally NOT DO ANY ASSIGNMENTS OR MISSIONS until you have them both in your party if you want to get the achievements. It's gotten a BIT easier after the DLC, but it's still a bitch. I needed the material gathering to get them.
  5. Played the beta for roughly 4 hours and found it to be pretty damn amazing. Definitely glad I preordered this, brings back good memories from 2142. Seems pretty refined too. I especially like the new knife and the fact you don't get tired after sprinting for 5 seconds anymore (infinite sprint). Knife feels a lot more like a weapon that it does in cod4, and even the older BF games, though you now use it on a melee button instead of a seperate weapon. Takes some skill to get it right, but I find that to be a better quality than everyone just randomly slashing in a direction like in cod4. The enemy spotted now works by pressing Q while looking at someone and works great. You can't see anyone on the map until someone spots them, and if a spotted enemy dies, the spotter gets an XP bonus. There are A LOT of unlock, pins and rewards. If you're any good at the battlefield style play, you'll level decently fast and get a lot of them. And nothing's actually more satisfying than checking out all the rewards you got after the round ends (and you can take your time doing it too before rejoining the game, damn you cod4). Of course the dog tags made a return. You get unlocks for a class by playing it, and it takes you linearly through the tree. But honestly, I prefer this over the old system. It seems you get stuff a bit faster, and it's working good so far. Also, some unlocks are universal for all the classes, like some rifles, and handguns. So if you've been playing a ton of engineer (like I usually do), you're not gimped when switching on to assault later. Anyway. Love this game.
  6. Cybbe

    Mass Effect 2

    Which is the same time as xbox.
  7. This. OpFor was AMAZING. Half-life was groundbreaking though, and had a great story. Without Half-Life there'd be no OpFor, and they're both awesome in their own way. However, for multiplayer, OpFor wins hands down. Also, Shephard is ace. And I actually felt he had more personality than Gordon Freeman.. Though that doesn't really say a lot. OpFor also had more variety in weapons and enemies, and some really tricky levels (Fuck you level with the explosives and tripwires all over the place, and stupid black ops people with grenade launchers not caring if they blow the whole shit up). The teamwork NPC's were a pretty rad addition. Made you feel part of something bigger than yourself and created more of an atmosphere than the scientists and barney did in Half-Life, where everything was practically about you. It also provided some more insight to the story. Blue shift was
  8. Cybbe

    Mass Effect 2

    All you bitches preordering the CE... Everywhere I've looked with a decent pricetag it's been sold out. Had to get the regular version, since I don't feel like paying £80 for a CE for x360. Can't wait to play the game though. And I'll probably end up picking up the digital deluxe for pc at some point, so I guess I'll still get the nifty art stuff.. Just in a more boring version
  9. Been pimping this game to all my friends any chance I got, and I just now bought it. I've had a blast, but mostly playing the fun game modes. I have to agree some of the tracks seem a bit big and eventless, but others are completely fine. Maybe it's a matter of taste. The puck game mode is hilarious, and watching the puck turn on it's side and run around the course by itself after I punchglove punched it was hilarious. There seems to be a bit of lag, and pretty horribly so, but I might have gotten a bad server. But that aside, the game is awesome Good job. And I'll continue pimping it out, if only to be able play it at LAN parties. I imagine there'll be shits, giggles and shenanigans.
  10. I've gotten this from a lot of games recently, but not Dead Space for some reason. It does annoy the fuck out of me that the camera is so close to the player though. But the first 10 minutes of Borderlands almost made me throw up and left me with a major headache... Audiosurf and Guitar Hero makes everything around me spin and feel wavy aside from the nausea and headaches. I dunno if that's a fov issue too, but it means I can't even play the games :/ I don't know what's with all those low FOVs lately. Bioshock had a freaky one too, but at least it didn't make me sick. But maybe that's all because of the pace of the game. I've also never had issues with high speed games before, and I don't get motion sickness in cars or anything like that.
  11. Pretty sweet so far. For the price at least (1300 DKK, or roughly $235). I don't actually know what panel it is, but looking at the specs, a qualified guess would be TN. Comparing to my Dell monitor with an S-IPS panel, it really is lacking a lot of colour, but it's also a monitor that's 4 inches larger at about 1/4th of the price, so I think I'll live.
  12. Cybbe

    TRON Legacy

    I'm pretty sure the first screenshot of the two is from GLTron. The lightcycle game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GLtron EDIT: Which btw is a pretty awesome game as well. Just make sure to play it with a few friends.
  13. Cybbe

    TRON Legacy

    Is this gonna be the same story as in the official sequel to the movie, here? Which btw. is pretty underrated and fucking awesome.
  14. Cybbe

    Men of War

    I've been playing this game a LOT a few months ago. It's pretty great. The voice acting sucks hard, but the game itself is amazing. The amount of detail put into it is mindblowing. However, what's fun about this game isn't (imo) really the multiplayer deathmatch type deals, but more the coop. I've played a bunch of 4 player coop with some friends where we all try to beat a map being assigned different units and taking different tactical positions and coordinating. This is where the game gets really fun. Because you get to spend more time micromanaging fewer units rather than just putting everyone into their deaths. The AI blows, so it's pretty much necessary to do that. Anyway, give it a try with some friends over coop, and it'll really shine. But it does have a lot of downsides.
  15. Cybbe


    quake level editor! minecraft level editor! Level editor level editor oh wait, this just turned into EOT. Let's keep on topic
  16. Cybbe

    R.I.P MJ!

    He was neither mediocre nor overrated. He's made hit upon hit and has brought a whole lot to the musical world in his time. You may dislike him for any other reason, but you can't argue that his music sucked.
  17. They were only discussing the isolated case in australia, not anywhere else.
  18. Happy belated birthday!
  19. That last image Jetset posted looks a bit like doom... The rest looks pretty badass. I was a bit annoyed with the dream filter as well, but I don't play a game because of the graphics. Deus Ex 2 and Kotor 2 should be a proof that I play through even the most faulty games as long as it has a nice story (And the gameplay is still good).
  20. Being a huge fan of Fahrenheit, I'm pretty psyched for this game. There are a few things that annoyed me, but as the "casting" picked up (After she stops being that nervous shy girl in the beginning), it got really impressive. I still don't like her mouth and teeth much, but it has a pretty good setting and seems really lifelike. A lot of great expression in the scene really.
  21. Emergency, Red heavy on toilet
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