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Everything posted by Quotingmc

  1. More work! Still very temporary, more just getting a feel of what it could look like. Still fiddling with light on bushes so that is why the shadows are a little broken. I think the CT spawn rocks are too flat right now along the top and could do with some additional foliage. I also want to make some sort of cool looking building atop the hill next to the silo. The small room will be the guard box. As always, I love feedback on what could be fixed or changed! Picture from above:
  2. I am going for the general feel of the new Nuke so I guess an Clean(ish) American storage facility. I know they are a bit boring but I hope I can make it look unique and pretty while still being playable.
  3. Back tracked a bit an focused on getting the aesthetic down in the T area as a template for other parts of the map. Here, have some screens:
  4. I have had a same error code before if you upload took to long. Was it uploading to the workshops for longer than usual? Custom props tend to increase the file size a lot. I think steam cancels the upload if it takes more than 10 mins or so. A fix for me was to increase upload speed; close tabs, restart router etc
  5. I agree, they need a lot of work still. I will try make them more random and natural and also maybe add some foliage on top to break up the colour. Thanks for the comment!
  6. They are from resort, they can be downloaded as a pack along with Yanzl's other assets in a thread in the work release section. On the thread it says they are fine to use with credit and I double checked with Yanzl via steam before posting EDIT: Here is the thread - https://www.mapcore.org/topic/19316-resort-and-castle-assets/
  7. Thanks Guys! About to do CT, hopefully going to look awesome
  8. Experimenting with some ideas: (Credits to Yanzl for the rock props)
  9. I may have to have some sort of reference to sawmill. Thanks for the compliments, I am really enjoying using the new nuke assets! They are all nicely clipped and the recolouring is a real bonus. Pitty there are not to many new textures, I am struggling on that front. Care to explain which spots are not very balanced?
  10. Everyone's profile has a "Community Reputation" number yet it has no apparent affect or cause. The only thing in some of the older profiles "Reputation Activity" is status updates but seeing as they are gone now, what actually impacts this number? Even if something such as likes increase it, what is there to decrease it and what purpose does it have all together?
  11. I have made some more changes following some play-testing with friends. Map is generally more open than before with a less cluttered feel. I have some big plans for improvements and visuals which I hope to how soon. Still appreciate some feedback! New Radar: Images:
  12. Seems a little over complicated. Remember to keep it simple.
  13. New Update! Still very WIP. Mostly worked on balancing the map and opening everything up a lot more. I have also simplified a lot of areas that were too complicated before. Have a long list of fixes still to make but here is a start. Some major nodraw errors and missed clipping. Would really like some feedback, workshop link is up to date in OP. Lots of Images and text inside: Still on my to fix list (a lot):
  14. Ironic it uses a lot of the new de_nuke assets when the original de_fang was the maker of nuke, Jo Bieg's, only other official map.
  15. I have spent a while trying to reduce angles, a lot of people in playtests have criticised it for having them as the go to weapon for CT was always the AWP. There are still a considerable number to play. The overview is a bit deceiving, however i will add some more if it becomes an issue..
  16. looks cool! Just one thing, why is there a giant cucumber on site? XD
  17. I don't think a little bit open is too bad. It looks a lot better, less generic box and doesn't tend to affect gameplay. If it becomes an issue I may change.
  18. Lots of odd angles, the current way seems to work better
  19. Started to refine Bombsite-A and the CT to A Connector. I also started to work on a colour palette and applied some test textures. Any feedback would be much appreciated! Images: EDIT: Here is a temporary overview
  20. Thanks for the feedback. I will look to improve the way the APC plays. I would like to not have to cover it all up but it may benefit that gameplay
  21. De_Contract De_Contract is my latest custom defuse map for CS:GO. I am currently looking for any feedback that may help improve the map. I have not yet clipped the map fully so there may be a lot of places to escape. I plan to submit for a playtest and create a radar once I get sufficient feedback on the layout. (OUTDATED below. See comments for more recent!) Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=632376096 V2b Images: Radar:
  22. New screens, will start a thread soon now the layout is almost done. Playtested for 3-ish hours with friends yesterday, seems to play well.
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