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  1. i used bodypaint 3d and i love it. ive found its the 3d painting app that is closest to photoshop. only thing is adjustment layers dont work, but it imports them anyway so it doesnt mess up your PSD. you just gotta collapse some parts to make it look like it does in photoshop.
  2. wow, i love the mood. the simplicity of it really adds a lot. really nice job
  3. @FrieChamp wow thanks! thats like the best compliment ever. though its not up to those standards, but even reminding you of it is a big deal. @knj haha, do the characters add what you are talking about? @[HP] wow thanks! those settings are awesome, just what i needed! ok well heres another update. The prop characters still need more done with the diffuse, this is strictly just AO and cavity maps right now. And I know that some of the cloth mesh doesnt flow with the cloth correctly, especially in the back I made changes to the trees by making them waaaaaay less polys and adding little leafy bits to help the silhouette. still needs better organization for them and maybe more in some places but this is just a first pass. Also added a trail which i think gives it a feeling of being a real place inhabited by man. Also fixed a lot of scale problems. Still tons more to do lol. I just keep understanding environment art more and more as I do this and have to keep redoing things. P.S. does anyone know how to get custom vertex normals into cryengine. does the crysis 2 sdk have it? my flower bushes look very crappy because of the way the normals are. i need them to be going out in a spherical way but it wont import the normals
  4. nice, very clean model. the treading on the tires doesnt quite look right though.
  5. try to push those materials more. at the moment they seem kinda cardboardish. try more reflective surfaces and do some interesting variation in the specular
  6. looks really crisp! maybe you could add a thing or two on the dock to add interest to that part of the scene
  7. looking great! maybe try some fog effects to create atmosphere and bring the cold weather in more.
  8. update, i messed with the ruins to have less straight lines so it looks more natural. added candles to add more interest and light to the piece. also added vertex colors to a lot of things. im constantly rearranging things as i go along too. next things to do are add the white cloaked figure, finalize all textures, try adding some nicks and damage spots in the mesh of the ruins. at that point itll be pretty close to done. questions: -how can i get rid of the grimey texture in the default cryengine water? -i tried adding a subsurface scattering map to the candles but nothing happened, is there something i have to turn on for that to work? @Froyok thank you! @Thrik thanks! @KoKo5oVaR thanks, ive fixed the straight lines like you said. it looks much better now. i added vertex colors to a lot of things, the trees look better now, they still bug me a bit though... cypresses are hard to make
  9. update! ive now decided that im not going to do a video and am instead going to optimize the level for the certain screenshots i have here, so any critiques on composition would be great. ill probably have one more shot which shows more of the maze. things i still need to work on" -finishing up diffuse textures, especially urns -adding candles -making water less blurry by getting rid of the default cryengine gunk from it (does anyone know how to do this?) -changing the bark texture to something more subtle -possibly adding more shape to the trees, something about them doesnt seem right -(optional) adding the white cloaked figure in the concept to the front shot
  10. you could make shells/sand dollars/kelp, maybe some fallen fronds from the palm trees and spread it around using the vegetation painter.
  11. looks cool. maybe you could incorporate the text into the level instead of having it just be a UI looking thing. like make it a wooden sign with carved out letters. and i agree that the bricks seem too reflective. unless its specifically coated brick?
  12. @Thrik: thanks for the paintover. definitely utilized what you said. I actually added negative lights to the areas where it gets darker towards the trees. its not that noticeable when you walk around in the environment so it works out. Also completely changed the water to be more like the painting like you said. it definitely makes it look way better. its really awesome making a piece based on a more classical painting. helps with learning good artistry and composition. @e-freak thanks, for the input. i now changed the trees to have a more interesting shape by adding extra little spires on the sides. I also took away the opaque shell i had in the middle and made multiple layers of the alphaed leaf texture. i think they look more open now like you were saying. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ive made a lot of changes to most of the textures and added decals to the rocks. i fixed the trees to be more like actual trees and also added flowers. planning on adding urns in places to add my own artistic flavor to make it a more flushed out environment it seems like the rocks could use something else but im not quite sure what. they just seem a little empty to me. any suggestions? the other thing im annoyed about with the rocks is the fact i cant have a color map for the unique details in my second normal map. i have 2 normal maps, one for high density details for up close and one for the large unique details that make up the rock. in the dark, the normal map isnt visible at all so the rock faces dont look as good. in the sunlight you can see the unique details which make it much more like rock. i guess this is a limitation i gotta deal with as part of using cryengine. i also am not happy with the way the rock blends into the ruined structural parts that hold the coffins. in the concept theyre the way i have it, but it just doesnt look right in game. maybe have moss in between where the rocks meet the ruins?
  13. started playing Crysis 2. gotta see what professional looks like for my cryengine 3 project.
  14. theres a bay area game developement meet up group ive been to and they meet at this restaurant/bar called Jillian's which is at the metreon. GDC is right across the street from the metreon. its not a bar bar, but thats good because its not as loud and easier to actually talk to people
  15. im going. do people on this forum usually meet up?
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