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Everything posted by Pingu_swe

  1. Looks great. Though judging from the screenshots I think the map needs more contrast. Something to break up the yellow-brown look.
  2. The light is cast on the wall below the actual lamp.
  3. qft rly stupid model browser crashing everytime There is a way to go around it: 1.On the Main Menu Bar go to Tools>Options 2.Click the "General" Tab 3.Uncheck "Use VGUI Model Browser"
  4. and then you can walk through trees or you have to manually place clip brushes on every tree totally voiding the point of of making a collision model You can already do that with those models. The error message says there is no collision model for the model. So changing the setting for those models would just remove the error messages.
  5. SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/pinetrees/branch_002a_small.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/pinetrees/branch_002a_small.mdl) SOLID_VPHYSICS static prop with no vphysics model! (models/pinetrees/branch_002a_small.mdl) [...] You can remove those error messages by simply changing the collissions to Not Solid.
  6. I really like the outside, very nice. But I am not impressed by the indoor.
  7. This is actually one of the maps I have played for INS. The detail is excellent, aswell as the map! Love it.
  8. I like it, except the marines, zerglings and zealots. All core units don´t look like I think they should. Marine - The white thing at the gun annoys me and they sheild is a nono. They should look like the artwork. Zergling - Look like something between a wasp and grasshopper. I want something more like the creeps in starship troopers. Zealot - They look so zilly instead of the powerfull look they should have.
  9. ==================================================== Title: cs_occupation Spawnpoints: 64 Map Type: Hostage Rescue File size: 38.8 MB Pakrat: Yes Author: Emil Fridell Alias: Pingu ==================================================== Finally after 2 months I release cs_occupation. I have listened to the most important feedback since the beta2 and fixed them. I hope this is a map which can be enjoyable for most people. Map: http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/cs_occupation.rar Includes all custom textures, a custom radar and nav file. More screenshots can be found here: http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/cs_occupation.html
  10. I think I have a quite realistic mapping technique which make my map look ordinary. My goal was to make a fun map not the most original, that´s why I spend over 1 month mostly only working with the layout. Gameplay > Visual
  11. The lightmap on the floor is now increased. I changed the skylight for a more soft look. You are also right about the orginality and I honestly don´t know how to deal with it . The first shot shows the T-spawn and hostage. Since I got 32 spawns there my possibilities are limited. But I still think I need to add more details, I just don´t know what. Any ideas?
  12. I began creating this map almost 2 months ago. The first month a just worked with the layout trying to create an enjoyable map. After beta1 I started to work on the visual and now I have finished beta2. I still have work left to do (i.e. radar overview) until I can release. http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/cs_occupation_beta2.rar
  13. Isn´t it the other way around? The best defense is a good offense.” Atleast that is what you say in Sweden. Anyway good read.
  14. The lamps on the floor are white while the light coming from them is yellow. I would use a yellow sprite to make it look better. Nonetheless were nice map.
  15. Me wants... a better computer
  16. I had a hard time keeping it detailed without decreasing fps. The open streets make it hard to optimize. But you are right, I probably could have added more details in some areas. The most important though isnt the visual, it is the gameplay. I hope de_streetwalk will be fun to play. Atleast I enjoyed playing it, even with bots.
  17. De_streetwalk Max players: 64 My new creation began first as a small scene and ended as a complete defuse map. First I just wanted to make a small scene to have in a future portfolio, but I got some wishes to make a "real" map. It triggered me to start think about what I could do with my scene. After some work on a layout I decided to create a defuse map. Now, 2 months later, the map is finished. http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0022.jpg http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0009.jpg http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0018.jpg http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0000.jpg http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0034.jpg http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0023.jpg http://hem.spray.se/furuslatt/de_streetwalk/de_streetwalk0035.jpg De_streetwalk.rar Enjoy! ______
  18. I know snipers is almost always hated but it could also be fun. To encounter this I placed the ladder in the middle making so that both teams reach it at the same time. The snipers do not have much covers either and they are easily spoted.
  19. Thanks for the comments, I using it as guideline for my future maps. I hope you like my map even if and dont have much sounds in my map,[TLR]CromWell. Thanks for the mirror RA7.
  20. Thanks for the comments guys. I totally agree with you. My main goal was to make a map with great gameplay, the visual came second (Im only saing this becuase I couldnt do it better ). What do you think about the layout?
  21. Hi, Im new here at mapcore. I want to show you guys my map de_sidewalk. Map name: de_sidewalk Map type: Bomb Defuse Author: Emil "Pingu" Fridell E-mail: emil.fridell@spray.se Number of players: 32 De_sidewalk combines long-range firefights on open streets together with closecombat in narrow alleys. The gameplay is balanced and allowes you to practise teamplay. The roofs in the middle are accessible via a ladder and they are idle for snipers as they have view over the bombsites. Updates 2006-05-02 -------- * added decals showing directions to bombsites * improved fps * fixed some "missing textures" * removed HDR -since it only brought troubles- * max players set to 40 Download: http://www.fpsbanana.com/?section=viewitem.maps.maps.main.11236
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