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Everything posted by Gami

  1. Scribbled on the overview to convey my feedback, I need to playtest to give feedback on the bombsites but these suggestions might improve mids feel I moved the bridge and stairs over a bit(made the door into the window room wider), and I think you should open the T side that leads to the bridge and make it a balcony. added stairs for Ts in mid, made the other path to mid closer to b, and raised up the CT side of mid near A and made the CT hallway in mid wider red is brushs, light blue is railing sorryimbadwithmspaint
  2. I'd like a playtest for folly on the 13th
  3. Like I was saying ingame, there are a ton of headshot angles on this map as a biproduct of the detail, and now that the bombsite in B is on the lower half I feel you should take less of the focus off of the upper part of B for CTs. Maybe make the left path lead down like it use to, and the right path still would lead into upper b/middle. I think the timings are okay? I didn't really play the map enough yet.
  4. Heres your screenshots Squad, not sure what else you might want or if these will even help you. http://imgur.com/a/686Q2 BTW, I only really see the changes in the water when I change my aim vertically
  5. Thanks for taking the time to schedule/host these playtest RZL, its appreciated.
  6. I think mid felt odd largely because Ts get there so fast and CTs have little to no cover, so by fixing those you'll probably come up with how mid should be redone overall. Making things feel natural with that much of a height difference in such a small space might be really hard though.
  7. I'd like a spot this sunday as well for de_folly_v2, ill upload the bsp as soon as I compile
  8. I just don't feel like terrorist have the ability to change strategy on a whim like other maps, there's no lower B so terrorist can go from mid to B or B to mid and all that jazz. Mid can be held from both bombsites and mid window plus they are all very quick rotates seeing as you can go from guarding mid to guarding the site in a matter of two seconds(which is good). But you're probably right that letting terrorist go to cat without conflicting with mid would be OP- I just felt like it might be okay since you can hold cat from A connector or the mid window hole. tldr; I think terrorist need a way to rotate between areas faster- not trying to make mid amazingly easier to take
  9. As far as cliffs goes, I feel like while the bombsites themselves might need reworked the paths to the bombsites are generally okay. If you added a little more mid control for Ts it would be overall better though. Blocking off the door on the right(for Ts) that leads from mid to B and adding a new entrance closer to T spawn and also adding a way for Ts to go from the B path to mid would do the job for the most part. Here's a picture of what i'm trying to explain
  10. Suppose I should make a thread so if anyone decides to give any feedback it doesn't clutter up the playtest thread. Any feedback is appreciated, negative or otherwise. Playtest BSP: https://mega.co.nz/#!LVByQLjD!EDzU3DnHChnD2sXVTEFEmzwyCbV1lyGN5OMPpTPTN-E Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=190643360
  11. Sorry about that- I know what days you guys test I was just trying to ask for the next available spot open on those days, ill try to be more clear next time.
  12. I'd like to get my map in as well whenever possible, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=190643360
  13. I wasn't able to make the playtest but I ran around the map a bit, the layout/timings seemed really good. The Bombsites feel a little unfinished though- the pit at A seems a little odd, and the tree at B windows T side kinda blocks sniper vision which is a little annoying.
  14. The only concrete thing I can say about streets is I don't feel you guys give enough incentive to go A bombsite. Mid leads back into long A or you can flank A but you're already closer to B by the time you do that. The underground route feels the same, you're so close to B I don't feel there's reason to go A. Beyond that I don't feel I've played it enough to give better feedback.
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