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Everything posted by CannedTuna

  1. Hey guys! My name is Tune and I'm from USA. I often went by a few online aliases like "Prototstar", "Naamtune", and most recently, "CannedTuna". I started my venture in to game modding and dev back in the early 2000s, beginning with the fun map editor for Age of Empires, designing fun story-based missions for my younger sisters to play with. Around mid-2000s I ventured in to level design for Half Life Sven Coop mod, making linear levels for my friends and I to gun blaze through on the weekends. As time went on I migrated over to Source Engine, acquiring new skillset in designing texture along the way. For Source, I was designing maps such as a recreation of COD Modern Warfare's multiplayer map, Vacant, for CSS. As I was getting more confident in my skills I began to volunteer to work for different modding teams. Some of those mods I've worked on were Operation Black Mesa and World War 1 Source as level designer and environmental artist. Outside of releasing levels, I had also published several free texture assets on FPSBanana for Goldsrc and Source. After graduating from highschool in 2011, I disappeared off the radar for a long period of time. I found a career working in IT for aerospace manufacturing company, spearheading numerous business projects, overseeing the west coast infrastructure, and helping out with business acquisitions. During this time I was monitoring the game dev scene and saw the industry booming rapidly and tech was progressing quite fast that it felt overwhelming to keep up with. Nonetheless, this hiatus period was a time period where I began to stabilize myself emotionally and financially. Last year was a slow venture back in to game development. I began creating custom assets for Cities Skylines after being fed up with lack of decent industrial buildings. This involved learning an unfamiliar workflow and new tools like Maya and Substance along the way. Recently I was brought into a new studio as one of the business partner to help with a development of an untitled indie game, to assist with forming the studio backend, and oversee the studio operation. So hello, everyone!
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