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Posts posted by Gloglebag

  1. FUCK GTA SA, the best one in the series is the Vice City - love 80's and the all feel that game gives, why they don't remake that game, SA is only so worshiped by all ppl couse it was easy to mod ect
  2. Psychonauts

    Mirror's Edge

    Mass Effect 2

    Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

    God of War (all)

    Ratchet and Clank (all)

    Orange Box

    Portal 2

    Dragon Age

    Assassins Creed 2

    Fallout New Vegas


    Defense Grid the awakening


    Joe Danger

    Trials 2

    Sam & Max Episodes

    Bionic Commando

    Bionic Commando Rearmed

    Batman Arkham Asylum

    Alien vs Predator

    Bioshock 1 & 2

    Tomb Raider Anniversary

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

  3. I don't like the spawn system, if I select and air plane and just before I click deploy someone else grabs it, I spawn at the main base. Every time the spawnpoint you selected gets unavailable you should be required to select another one not automatically spawn at the main base. Also as far as I can see you cannot click on a point on the map, which really would be more handy.

  4. You won't get that, as he won't use flares until he hears the missile sound. And by the time you get a second lock on his flares are rearmed.

    Only way to get an airplane is to line up behind him and quickly destroy him.

  5. With jets use a joystick, your fucked with m/k. Use the third person view when flying around, because it has a larger FOV. Try to stay out of the battlefield and keep looking at it with freelook to spot enemy planes and choppers, then move in for the kill. Always spot the moment you see an airplane. Don't shoot until you are behind and close to them. Use missiles after your have taken down their health with the machine gun. Slow down while manoeuvring when someone is behind you so there is a chance they will overshoot, or slow down when trying to take down helicopters, the game is much more forgiving in that respect then bf2. Try to attack with the sun behind your back. And have lots and lots of fucking patience, you will have lots of rounds without any kills in a jet.

    Helicopters are pretty fucked as far as I can see.

  6. TBH I don't unserstand why this game get's the praise it does.

    The gameplay concept is really piss weak. They clearly set out to make an indiana jones type game and shaped the gameplay around the story and concept, rather then have a great gameplay idea and shape the story and world around that. The platforming is uninteresting since Drake does all of the dangerous stuff automatically, you can just barely go wrong, so it doesn't elicit the same satisfaction as let's say the platforming in Super Mario. This may not matter in game where that is not the focus, after all no one cares you just select and click a target in an RTS, but here navigating the environment is one of the main things you do. So it's fairly boring.

    Also having everything be scripted removes the tensions in some of the situations. After all knowing that tank isn't going to be there until you pass that checkpoint isn't the same as knowing an AI tank is on your ass regardless where you go.

    Then we have the gears of war like combat, which isn't much fun since aiming with a joystick sucks, even more so when your aim is disturbed every time you are hit or fire your weapon. Once again the setting and story limit your enemy to human most of the times, mixed up with humans with more armor once in while. The enemy does have an actual AI that can't see you behind walls, so there are some moments of clever manoeuvring.

  7. The game just doesn't require me to use any interesting strategies to overcome my obstacles, no interesting puzzles in my way. No particularly interesting weapons.

    Only part I can remember making me use an interesting tactic would be the dead city part where you are getting swamped, there it payed off to use a turret.

  8. Looks wonderful however imo the gameplay is dull as fuck. There hasn't been one single moment that made think my way trough something or require any interesting solution. The gunplay just isn't that fun.

  9. There are just so many fucking annoyances in the game. the fact you can only get to the menu while you are alive is one of them. I can't even quit the game after a round ends untill the next starts and I can't seem to configure my joystick, I have a Thrustmaster T16000 and the game won't recognize any of the buttons.

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