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Art Challenge for October! Make your input count!

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I've been thinking about the HL re-make thread and its great response and was thinking about having some kind of monthly contest for best texture in a given challenging field! The contest will specify dimensions, texture theme and so forth. I have some ideas already thrown up here, but I'm very open to some new ideas. So post away! Your input counts!

Dimensions: 256x256


Overgrown city (think vines wrapping decayed building structures

Deathmatch metal (create a texture, or small set for a deathmatch setting using only metal)

Intricate machinery (overly intricate machinery set into a wall)


I've made an entry for "Overly intricate machinery set into a wall." It's animated too. :) I'll probably tweak it, but I'll appreciate some critiques first. It's not *exactly* what I had in mind, but it's a good facsimile. The only problem is I can't really show ya how it works very well as it works in 8 layers. If HL2 were out I could smack it together in 20 minutes... but I dunno what to do at this point. I'll try and post the images soon... maybe I can make a video in After Effects or something. :\ Not the most elegant solution however. Just needs to be able to have animated 512x512 textures with alpha.



W00t. My first texture here. Here's my entry for "Overly Intricate machinery set into a wall". As I said. I've got some things to tweak... but I'll need to see it in real 3D before I can really do so. I created a simulation of it in Photoshop. :\ Not the best solution. But it does the job. hehe...


All of the layers flattened.


Animated 3D simulation of the texture set. It's not exact of course.


A contact sheet with all of the textures at halfsize.

Any feedback is appreciated. If I were to make a map with it... there could be a large clockwork cube with the glass surrounding it. It could also be used as a standard hallway texture. Has lots of uses really. I think it'd look nice lit from between the glass and the gears. hehe... Not my best work, but I'm fairly pleased with it. The glass and frame are handmade. The gears are photosourced and recolored, different bits tweaked by hand and textured. There could also be alot of variations on this whole theme in terms of the actual gear placement... so if used alot you could break it up without too much trouble... more trouble than I need for this excercise however. ;) Could also make some variations on the glass frame. Top pieces, corner pieces, etc.



I like the idea of texture contests. A very excellent idea IMHO would be to have Mike or one of the other highquality 2d designers create a single texture for the basis of a contest. Then using the theme setup in that texture, have the artists let their imagination run wild and create a series of textures that compliment that single one. You could incorporate all three ideas posty mentioned in one contest. That way, the textures could then be used in creating a map instead of just put forth toward a contest.

i.e. someone makes a texture of a stone walk with metal grating in the center. Then another texture artist creates a wall to go with it overgrown in vines. Then another person creates a building to match and another a mountain texture to fit the theme.

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