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Britains yob/drinking culture


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You know I think it's getting pretty out of hand now. Out of hand with the amount of drunken deaths, beatings and people ending up in hospital from drinking far too much. I don't know if people are just getting stupider or just want to drink themselves to death these days. I think it's turning into an epidemic here - all I ever seem to see on the newspapers most days is something related to drinking. I enjoy a good drink sure but I certainly know when I've had enough. And another thing, some of the kids I've met or know (I'm talking 14 - 17) are obsessed with how they're going to get drunk next. All they can talk about is how much they drank the other night and how much they're going to drink this night... it's ridiculous. They're young impressionable kids getting absolutely wasted on alcohol that they shouldn't even be in possession of in the first place. Last week one of the clubs here was raided by the local coppers on a tip off of underage drinking and they found a load of 17 year olds bladdered and the club faces closure now because of it! Brilliant for the rest of us legal drinkers with only a select few places to socialize around here. Doesn't help that no one checks for ID. I've been asked for ID once by a bouncer - well it wasn't even really ID he didn't even look at it! just asked me how old I was lol! I could have been 16 for all he knew with the abilities of teenagers to look far older than they are these days. I realize I sound like a grumpy old man (I'm 20) I don't really care to be honest it's just getting far too out of hand.


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The cause for the problem in britain is similar to this here in sweden: Bars and clubs close too early. Here in Stockholm most close at 3 am latest. This sets the party people under pressure to drink as much as possible before the bar closes. This results in two things. a) the faster you drink, the more drunk you get b) all drunken idiots leave at around the same time and meet each other on the streets or in the subway.

In germany alcohol is a big problem too but imo the related violence is lower because many bars and clubs have open till the next morning, so most people leave at different times and dont meet each other so often. And there is not this culture of drink as much as you can in the shortest amount of time possible.

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I miss the flatrate parties... :(:v

I repeteadly heard from English people, that they were amazed about how few fights they see in Germany at night. In bars, clubs or outside. Many middle/eastern and northern european countries have a reputation of drinking a lot and whereas the closing times might be part of the problem, I think it's also a cultural thing. I have no idea what it's like in Sweden, but the expectation to fight when being drunk seems to be a lot higher in Britain than in many other countries :|

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Ah, well, as far as I can infer from Swiss newspapers, there is no real increase of problems with drunk people (like deaths, severe beatings, etc.), or they're simply being ignored by media and "Volksmund", whereas the problems with underage drinkers seem to have increased a lot; meaning that there are much more alcohol poisonings and deaths because of overdose of alcohol of underage drinkers getting reported than in the last 10-15 years. Some people think that said increase of reports results from the bigger awareness when it comes to drinking. When you had drunk too much in the past, you usually just slept over it. I for myself haven't done much drinking (yet), but inspite of the fact that pretty much everyone in my environment drinks regularly, I, too, have to start drinking at some point, in order not to become a complete social outcast. :shifty::celebrate:

Just my 2 cents...

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Its all the chavs.

Anyone seen in the below list of clothes after dusk, not coming out of a gym, should be shot.

  • [*:1iu5aelb]Tracksuit bottoms
    [*:1iu5aelb] Jaunty angled baseball caps
    [*:1iu5aelb] Tracksuit bottoms tucked into socks
    [*:1iu5aelb] Those stupid new gasmask hoodies
    [*:1iu5aelb] Anyone wearing a hoody with the hood up, indoors.

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I found what i need to enjoy to be drunk without any big hangover the next morning : 4 pints of beers and 2 vodkas. ( ~34 euros for the night in Lyon if you buy that in pubs/clubs )

I dunno how much alcohol costs in other countries, but to be completely drunk, you have to be rich, or to buy that ultra cheap at the supermarket or something. :shock:

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i think its part culture, part symptoms of the time we live in and part ineffective lawgiving. its tragic to see how youth seems to be getting more selfdestructive every year. and yeah, call me old and say that every ''older'' generation worried/critized (about) the ''younger'' generation but this is really worrying imo. i know there is tons of reasons for this problem, but i cant think of any realistically implementable solution atm wich feeds my worries actually more then i like.. and i'm 22.


*grabs another beer*

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I did write up a paragraph or two about how, despite it being a little hypocritical, I can’t stand the ‘new-breed’ of chavs hanging around on street corners drinking stella and shouting “YEAH” at passers-by behind their Burberry-reinforced protective wall of friends. However! Instead of that, I’ve decided to post

for my sentiments.
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