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there are some good beveling/lighting tuts on sourceblog.org. don't know if you know the page :celebrate::quagmire:

ok joke beside, i think it would be a cool thing if the insurgency would have something like that, maybe background covered with additional decals (like an iraqui flag) but the marines overall feeling would benefit from a smooth, technical gui (simmilar in terms of style to the compass of the first release)

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dude it looks good =) but its not 100% yet, it can allways be taken to another level.. when you work with GUI its your job to help the geek player to understand where he's supposed to press, its alot gui psychology to it, give that a google search, and read about how the eyes and the brain acts when reading an image and groups in it.. that is extremlly important..

when i was in school studying gui, the teacher only talked about psychology and the brain, so i think you get my point of how important it is..

about the GUI you made, its a good start, try working with colors and grouping with colors and forms, boxes with bevel corners or without, make a pattern in the form language and the colors, because the brain picks that up before you even know it.. when you think your done with the design, step away from the monitor and look at the image you made with half closed eyes and look at the "grouping" in your patterns of colors and forms and you will be suprized..

simplicity is your friend, dont overwork anything even scratches and other dirt details should be simplyfied, they should't take away the eyes from the purpose of the GUI but to benefit to the experience..

keep up the good work and there is no limit to the potentials!

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