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A portrait painting of my syster


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awww, cute :D

theres two things i dont like about the painting. while the wrinkles on the clothes look good overall what it lacks in my opinion is some overall volume and shape. it looks like you have that pattern on a flat colored plane and then painted in the shadows and highlights for the wrinkles. but the pattern stays the same - you know what i mean ? it doesn't flow with the painted wrinkles, it just tiles perfectly and that looks odd in my opinion. and the arms and the torso just don't pop out too good in general, it just feels flat to me - and i think if you put in some more general volume in there, it would look much much better - and of course the pattern problem.

the second thing is the mouth - its not supposed to be a funny remark, believe me - but i think the mouth looks like a tomato. to me it is way too red in contrast to the rest of the softer colors of the face. i think it really stands out too much. i think this could be changed quite easy as well :)

but overall i really really like it :)

great job :)

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