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Petition to Valve for CS:S BOT source code


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Turtle Rock just got bought out by Valve for Left 4 Dead so I don't think it will be an issue and I dont think there's any BOT code in the SDK.

Even if there was, a proper BOT specific SDK would benefit everyone.

And to answer the question before it gets asked, this wouldn't increase people's ability to hack CS either. I'm not petitioning for code to affect CS, I'm asking for the code used in CS so we can use it in other Mods. Also, BOT code is server side and hacks are client side so it wouldn't affect anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whilst I agree it would probably be a good thing for the community as a whole, I highly doubt it would ever happen, at least not until the next generation of their AI had been written and released. It's tantamount to giving away part of your intellectual property for free. It would certainly be taken by other independent developers, cosmetically altered then shipped as their own. Once compiled it would be hard for Valve to prove it's use by a third party.

So whilst I applaud the initiative, I think its futile.

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