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is this being developed by dice? dunno it might turn out quite nice. theyre trying out asian marketing models in the western world, maybe it'll work here too. worth a try imo. valve proved that a pixar look in games is well recieved so i'm not surprised other devs are jumping on the bandwagon.

ingame shots will tell a lot more than promotional artwork though.

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The fact that they go for a cartoony style makes them look like a copycat (TF2 has obviously taken the cartoony team based shooter spot already), but will the masses EA is developing this new business model care? I think this approach is rather exciting, they take the original format (wich caters only to hardcore players) and create a version that appeals to as of now untouched segments of the market. A Battlefield game for casual gamers so to speak.

Key quote in my eyes:

Strategically, Mr. Florin said the game was a step toward figuring out how to generate multiple revenue streams from a single intellectual property, a maneuver Hollywood has mastered.

“I’ve always envied the movie industry when they put a film out in the cinema, then they go to retail with a different business model and then to pay television and then free TV,” he said. “They have the same content reaching different audiences with different models, and we could never figure out a way to do that. Now with higher broadband penetration, we can use the technology to reach a broader audience.”

Expecting a lot of "EA is ruining gaming for me" comments from now :D

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