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Now I've seen it all. A pathetic, pointless, dictionary battle on a message board. This is a photography forum. Keep the ego battles to private messages. (I'm looking at you DD)

Nice pics Fletch. I wish I was outdoors in the country on a mountain bike right about now. :(


Yeah, I'm just another American with too much patriotism. I do feel like being an asshole to some twity douche bags when they feel it funny to imply Americans are stupid.

BTW wit implies speed. Unless you have the ability to read my mind over the internet and know how fast it took me to respond you're an idiot. Look at the definition. And it's Case and Point sometimes Case in Point, not Case of Point. Get it right, you don't want other to know an American is teaching you definitions and how to correctly say common sayings.

And Tom always disagrees with me for the sake of. His opinion doesn't matter. Mikeys does.

I should take this to PM's, but rather then do that I'd rather display my patriotism. Envy me. I'm also assuming Taylor isn't one, I don't care either way, he may not have caught onto my point.


Read your fucking link

1. The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.


1. Keenness and quickness of perception or discernment; ingenuity. Often used in the plural: living by one's wits.

2. wits Sound mental faculties; sanity: scared out of my wits.


1. The ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously humorous manner the relationship between seemingly incongruous or disparate things.

2. One noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee.

3. A person of exceptional intelligence.

Syn: Ingenuity; humor; satire; sarcasm; irony; burlesque.

Do you not notice how all your Gearbox friends constantly come rushing to your posts to try and make you not portray yourself as a total retard? Stop digging, you pretentious fuck.


well I would say that DD went "a little" too far off-board with his patriotism and took a joke as an insult even though it wasn't meant as one. Can't we keep the damn politics to EOT or even better, politics thread? I really don't care about how much or how little of a patriot you people are and it doesn't belong in this forum. Geez.



This has nothing to do with my job. Pretentious, no, my statements were certainly justified. You don't want me teaching you again do you? I can tell how much that angers you.

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