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[UT3] - Exclude a static mesh of a skylight light.


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Hi all !

I've a problem in my UT3 map.

My map is composed of an exterior and a mine (coal mine or whatever you want ;)). For the exterior's lightning i use a skylight and a basic light.

My problem come from the skylight because this type of light is lightning ALL my map (so, all my static meshes too). I want that the mine (which is composed of some static meshes) isn't lighted by the skylight.

So, my question is :"Is there a way to make a static mesh not lighted by a skylight ?" :???:

Thanks in advance.

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Have you checked tried singling out the specific meshes using light channels. The skylights are probably hitting the CompositeDynamic channel, aswell as static and or bsp.

Select all the meshes you want o independently light and choose a light channel that is just for them. Then adjust the lights your going to use only cast on those specific channels.

I have not really used the UT3 or GOW Release engines. However I hope they haven't radically changed them from earlier distributions of the engine.

Hope that helps.


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you're up to date phobos, that's how those work :)

Another option to consider would be inclusion or exclusion volumes though I recall one of them has issues, just not which one...

The biggest problem with the sky light is by its nature there's going to be a visible lighting seam where it changes. The only 'perfect' solution is to make it a lowest common denominator light that fits both your interiors and exteriors and/or manually light your shadows with faked bounce light.

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