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The Dark Knight stuff


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Trailer and a horribly cammed video of a bank heist from The Dark Knight. What interesting is the bank heist, and how much it feels like Fragile Alliance (K&L MP), how people are just constantly killing each other to get a bigger cut of the loot. And it also looks pretty damn good (Apart from the bat bike, jesus that thing is fugly).

Trailer: http://www.atasteforthetheatrical.com/d ... efault.htm

6 Min Heist clip: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/batman/the-6 ... oplay=true

Boing! :-D

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Batman Begins is one of the best films ever created, so I'm really looking forward to this sequel. My dad still hasn't seen it because he thinks it'll be like the more comic book style of the older Batman movies, which is something I constantly aim to change. :cool:

A glorious, epic film. I really fancy rewatching it now.

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Don't tell me you guys liked his new bat mobile tank with 8 wheels compared to the old slick looking car? Or his silly "I want to me Ironman" outfit?

The comic style beats the new movies by a billion miles, why? Cause it's more cool, you can "relate" to it, since you've seen it before.

Thank god that Lego Batman will use the old style, instead of the new ultra advanced megaman look.

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I actually paid more attention to the compelling storyline, characters, and general feel rather than how cool his car and suit looked st0lve. :oops:

Did you even watch it or did you just look at some promo pics? I seriously haven't come across anyone (in the real world, not the internet) who didn't think Batman Begins was awesome, and the vast majority of people on the internet I've spoken to loved it too. It really is a cinematic masterpiece, and you'll be hard pressed to find negative comments about it in most general threads about it.

I have to wonder because I can't believe you just tried to use how cool his car and suit look as a factor in the argument.

And actually I think the more realistic feel to Batman Begins is far better than the silly comic style of the earlier films. I really enjoy that they tried to ground it in a believable world (even the batsuit is just a military suit he spraypainted black, same for the car), and I think to a certain extent that's the secret behind its immense popularity.

Crazy st0lve. :oops:

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Not really a comic expert but i was told that Frank Miller's Batman comics (which the new movies are based on afaik) are a lot darker and gritty then the traditional Batman comics. So its just logic that the movies have a darker and more realistic feel to it.

I thought Batman Begins was a pretty good movie, not only because it has Bale as Batman. It's a good movie in general.

And the 6 minute preview for Dark Knight is very promising.

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I actually paid more attention to the compelling storyline, characters, and general feel rather than how cool his car and suit looked st0lve. :oops:

I have to wonder because I can't believe you just tried to use how cool his car and suit look as a factor in the argument.

lol dick to the face at 60mph

Batman Begins was awesome for a "modern" version of Batman. I still really like the old ones with Danny DeVito, Michelle Phipher and Jack Nichlson. But Batman Begins gets to be up there with the old Classics for just getting it right :)

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