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TF2 CP_ElectroLaunch WIP


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I've been looking through these forums for a while now and thought I might share some WIP pics with you. They are from my Team Fortess 2 map. It is structually complete, though I'm waitng for some servers to host for testing before I polish it, so things such as cliffs are just placeholders.

It's a defence map (gravelpit style). If anyone would like to host then just give me a shout.



P.S any tips for working with displacements would be much apreciated.

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The second screenshot looks like you tried to copy the final CP on Gravelpit but what you've ended doing is making something which looks structurally odd and visually confusing. :(

The first screenshot looks like you copied the CP labelled B on Gravelpit with none of the depth of the original such as being able to attack/defend from the roof and shoot grenades through the windows.

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Cheers mate...

The second shot is suposed to look like a monstrosity slapped together rocket launcher, maybe your right though, maybe its doesnt work.

The building in the first shot actauly has an entrance underneath it, to the rear and the other side. the other half of the roof is destroyed (can just about see it from that angle) and it is possible to rocket jump onto it from the building oposite. The shot is taken from the attacking point of view so direct access to it is removed for the sake of making it a challenge.

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mhh you really copied everything from gravel pit, and i think the gameplay of this map is not good for tf2.

you should remove those grids from the windows in the first shot, make holes to shoot through in the rooftop and than bring some trim in the building of the second shot, it looks confusing, as psycho told you :D, there are too many ways to walk and it is a bit too open

btw the name doesnt fit with the style of the map :?

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Fяэ&a"mhh you really copied everything from gravel pit, and i think the gameplay of this map is not good for tf2.

ok, as you have not played the map you have no idea how it plays. And yes I have read through your posts, I fully understand what type of critic you are.

To say 'copied every from Gravelpit' is nieve, and don't even get me started on 'mhh'. I would realy rather not be defending my map in such a petty way and opologise if I have have you wrong, but there is no informed criticism here.

If there is anyone here who would like to discuss displacements then, like I said before, help would be apreciated ;)

P.S. this is WIP, that stands for Work In Progress. Would love to see some objevtive crits , and/or disscuss TF2 with actual mappers

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I don't think the criticism was particularly useless, GlassComb. There's not really much you can criticise when given screenshots of map other than how it looks, so that's exactly what people are going to do.

From what I've seen, the key criticisms of your map are:

• Looks too much like Gravelpit

• Layout of the second control point isn't very clear, and thus is unintuitive

Both of which seem like reasonable points to me. You could solve both points with better packaging:

We can't really say much more as you haven't given us enough material to work with; more useful critcisim requires a better grasp of how the entire map plays (perhaps an overhead Hammer shot) and more shots of individual areas (you ask for comments on the shack capture point, but don't provide screenshots of the most important bits: the broken roof and the additional entrances).

As for displacements, an open-ended question like that really needs a little more detail. Displacements in themselves are incredibly easy to use, so what exactly is it you want to discuss about them? Ask the question and people will answer. Nobody is going to post just to ask you to ask your question. :D

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oh i almost forgot... some displacements tutorials... google is your friend! :D


http://www.interlopers.net/index.php?pa ... ls&id=2119

http://www.interlopers.net/index.php?pa ... ls&id=1838

http://www.interlopers.net/index.php?pa ... s&id=10364

http://www.interlopers.net/index.php?pa ... ls&id=1819

theres a lot of stuff like that on the interweb...

ps: i think im gonna begin a tf2 map too! i'm bored of doing hl2 "universe" maps... :cool:

btw if you need more link or so just ask :wink:

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Noticed a lot of people who critique lack kindness.

I can see similarities to gravel pit with having a tower. I think you have some good ideas about making sure there are platforms around said tower that will be beneficial to defenders, and act as stepping stones to attacking scouts. So in that regard you're on the right track. I'd definately take the 2nd shot and allow people to move completely around the tower. So push that large wall backwards a bit. Same goes for shot 1, allow the attackers to move around more. I'd make sure there are two ways into shot 2, with a 3rd way in that may only be accessible to rocketgrenade jumps or scout jumps. Add some flavor that way.

Might be helpful to post a top down with some paintover examples of what you're trying to reach as an end goal with your level.

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Noticed a lot of people who critique lack kindness.

Often skills too (not dissing you guys above just making a general comment).

Don't take umbrage at the negative comments mate. Even if you make the best map in the world someone somewhere won't like it. The map shows some promise to me. It's clearly a wip as you say, but has potential.

If you want some help working with displacements in source give me a shout, I've used them a fair bit on CSS maps and on the multiplayer maps for the Dark Messiah game so have a fair grasp of what can be achieved.

Nice to see another Brighton bod on the forums too :)

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Thank you for the more reasonable posts guys. Was just a bit gutted as it's the first time I've ever shown anything I've done. JamesL, I've looked at some of the maps you did for Dark Messiah, excelent stuff.

I will put up some more shots very soon. An overhead sounds like a good idea von*ferret and Thrik

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