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Need help with Hammer


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This is probally an extremley dumb question, but i need some help with Hammer. I recently downloaded, and when trying to create a new map, i have a but of things it says i must fill out. I have no idea how to do this, and the tutorial is making no sense. I was wondering if any of you guys had a tutorial i could use, or some advice. Thank You


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you might want to specify your problem. are you using steam? if so, make sure you have the games you want to edit installed (and played once before using hammer). steam should then be able to configure itself.

anyway, heres another tut:

http://www.halflifestorm.com/?page=tuto ... utorial=23

if youre using 3.4 or something, theres lots of tutorials out there that are pretty basic:


next time posting a problem i suggest you specify your problem a little more though. youre making it pretty hard for us to give any advice with so little words :P

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