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building facade texture


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made a building facade, here's the PSD: http://www.clayman.se/Facade004b.zip

and due to requests for a tutorial check this out instead. I dont really have time to write a tutorial right now, busy with the portfolio thingy :P i hope this will do it..

if this gives you any perspective on how i work, i happy =)

if any questions whatsoever, let me know.

the texture isnt 100% finished, do whatever you want with it, i dont care :P


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yeah thats the layer in PS, yes you can get same result in max, if not even better.. i dont use max that much myself, but check google for tutorials in max on how to bake occlusion or "shadow maps" as its called.. search google for "3ds max occlusion tutorial" or something like that, and you will find it...

or check http://www.tutorialized.com, you might find it there


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nice fonfa, thats cool, i really dont care about file size :P although the psd file should be kept nice and simple :P when i work i dont look at that, i try to put that focus on the texture itself instead :P :P

but hey, nice to se you have your eyes open ;)

p2xelgen thats lookin cool :) crank up those parameters so you loose the noise in the render =)

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nice fonfa, thats cool, i really dont care about file size :P although the psd file should be kept nice and simple :P when i work i dont look at that, i try to put that focus on the texture itself instead :P :P

but hey, nice to se you have your eyes open ;)

p2xelgen thats lookin cool :) crank up those parameters so you loose the noise in the render =)

Thanks for showing me the way :D One thing I cant seam to get it to work when I render to texture...

As for parameters


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