Izuno Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 Maybe this is EOT material, so if an admin deems it should be moved, then please move. I'm sure this will bring up all the conspiracy theories...but I've never seen this before. Anyway, the design of this thing is pretty good for a basic flash movie. Uses the Fight Club music which I thought was a good fit. As for accuracy of the theory, I'm interested in what people think. http://www.nixtro.com/pentagon121.swf
madcow Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 Ive seen something similar.. im interested into why they never released the other videos - everyone has seen the planes fly into the towers, why not the pentagon? and if it was an attack - who issued it, and why? did bush plan 9/11 with bin ladin - has had him hidden away somewhere, safe from the troops - just so he could declare his war on terror and move onto saddam..his ultimate goal? is the "war on terror" going to continue? are other terrorist harbouring countrys going to be dealt with? not likely
Urban Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 i dont know about what madcow said.. but i have said this since allmost day one.. after reviewing the damage.. and no evidence of a plane or clear surveillance video... i find it highly unlikely that a plane hit that building.. wanna see a good high res pic? warning its 2.21 MB (2,322,787 bytes) 3000x1955 click on the image below
Mazy Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 from what ive seen then id say that i wasnt a plane as well tis strange D:
FrieChamp Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 When I click that link, my IE crashes...I assume this is not exactly the conspiracy you are talking about is it?
RD Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 why wouldnt it be a plane? A plane did go missing, as well as all the ppl on it. Or did they go to the bermuda triangle? Ppl on the interstate in front of the pentagon witnessed a plane flying into the pentagon. The impact area is about the same size of that on the WTC. I think ppl r trying to use common sense on things they know nothing about. The worst thing u can do is use common sense here instead of discovering how things really work.
The Postman Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 There's no plane debris at all, for one. That's the big tip off.
GrayFox Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 Maybe someone photoshopped it away
RD Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 one of the other planes crashed into an open field, that one vaporized and there were no debris. Below some debris from the pentagon plane: Its a twisted piece of an american airliner
zaphod Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 http://www.snopes.com/rumors/pentagon.htm
KingNic Posted September 22, 2004 Report Posted September 22, 2004 Strange how the plane vanished in a fireball hot enough to vapourise metal, but that wreckage isn't even singed. That's a better paint job than most DIY enthusiasts can do.
RD Posted September 23, 2004 Report Posted September 23, 2004 Strange how the plane vanished in a fireball hot enough to vapourise metal, but that wreckage isn't even singed. Why is it strange?
Duff-e Posted September 23, 2004 Report Posted September 23, 2004 like why fake blowing up the pentagon when 2 planes (yea were sure they were planes) hit the world trade center hate to have such a weak argument but....? plus we dont know how the building was built....its the pentagon.....im sure they built it with the same steel inside wolverenes bones and dont tell me 5 fbi guys went outside before the "f16" hit the pentagon and knocked over that pole
Crackerjack Posted September 23, 2004 Report Posted September 23, 2004 Wow, being so close to washington dc. This is almost disturbingly true. The fact are all there, I checked the news papers from 9/12/01 and the movie is correct. Its just really strange.
Duff-e Posted September 23, 2004 Report Posted September 23, 2004 people cant grasp that after the debris and devestation in manhattan, the pentagon was so "untouched". how big was the wtc and how big is the pentagon. if the pentagon was the only place attacked no one would ask questions because there would have been no comparison.
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