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My last serious attempt to map was El Paso level if I remember correctly, around a year has passed. Well, I was feeling like some sort of voyeur in this site, where is dedicated mainly to level design and EOT (maps 10% / EOT 90% :P ). So here is some work I've made in the past 3 weeks. They are mostly finished, currently under testing, so no major additions expected except if it's something that can help gameplay in some significative way.

The idea was to make a medium size map per week using the current assets available, most of them made by me too. Only created a few new ones, focus was level design properly said. Don't expect something very elaborated in terms of graphics, but each one has its own play style, perform good, and testers seems to like them :) I'd like to improve texturing mainly, but I can't spend more time, and I also have no real skills to go beyond actual assets. Here they are:

fof_tramonto_lite had a part previously done, so I continue it in a different way from the original plan. The only small achievement are the adobe buildings, fully made of displacements except the ceiling. It's a nightmare to get them with proper shadowing, but they have it.


fof_eliminator probably lacks of some more interesting displacement work and textures, I mean it's pretty serialized, with no variation. On the other side, it plays quite well, teams spawn at the bottom with no other protection than 6 seconds of invulnerability (the code also prevents spawning near enemies, or at least it tries). Spawn points are mixed so players must find some help from teammates and then work as a team to reach the top where objective is.


And finally, fof_peligro is probably the most fun map I ever made. It also has lots of fx's (smoke particles, lava rocks, earthquake, breakable wood planks, animated and scrolling lava texture). Breakable planks + explosive barrels + lava pit make a pretty funny combination :D Again the rock texture is pretty much the same all over, brushwork is really simple, I was a bit lazy probably.


That's all, FoF mod will be available pretty soon, hopefully.


The lava map is really a blast of fun, we played last night and everyone enjoyed it a lot. It's not the kind of map you'd expect in a western game but who cares, FoF isn't a common western game :cool:


most seem very barren, the fort map in particular - like the detail put into smoothing edges and making sure not all the walls are straight; but the outer walls and surrounding area are very boring.

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