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Bagged myself the new(ish) Nikon AF-S 55-200 lens with vibration reduction for the nice sum of £150 new.

Random selection with the new lens.


Bottle washed up on Bournemouth Beach.


Looking at the back of the car through the wing mirror.


Some pancake looking like 'shrooms.


Bastard seagulls getting read to poo on some child.


Royal mail van, taken alongside at about 80mph :-D


nikon D40 and tele lens? D40 haven't got a motor inside body so you have to use AF-S?


If I want auto-focus I can only use AF-S lens' which there are a plentiful amount of now, can use AF lens' but have to manually focus them.


yeah, i was thinking of getting that, but i think i'm just going to save a bit more and get the 18-200mm VR instead so i can replace two lenses with one.

nice shots, though, glad to see the lens is worth the cash.


How can you do such pictures?! I mean...the truck one for example...if i had to take this picture with my camera (Canon EOS 400D + Zoom 28 / 105 mm f/3.5-4.5 II USM) it would be blury (not only the wheel and the road, but also the other things) due to the relative movement between my car and the truck, and eventually the road "bumps" which would make me move

And i'm pretty sure i would get some noise too on the dark zones...

I'm still a big newbie with my camera and i have some difficulties to find the good settings, so, until i find the good ones, i make some slightly blury pictures :cry:


I think he drove along with the truck so his EXIF data states that he used a 55 millimeters lens (smallpic: 82 millimeters) and reduced shutter time to 1/160 - to get there he used ISO at 800 and reduced the blend to 4.

Next thing (I would) do is focus the camera autmatically on a previous wheel and then turn to manual focus so you wont have to suffer from autofocusing on gravel and dirt coming up (or use Autofocus Servo). Next you put your cam on multiple images (i think the 400d can do about 6 pictures in a row) and then take as many shots as possible (so you can sort out the best one).

Also his lens is a very light frienldy one. You may suffer from a dark lens and will need to put up your ISO Value to 1600 to achieve a simillar shutter time. You may also use a Image Stabilizer allthough I had bad experiences with them - suffering image quality and misinterpretations of needed movement to follow the car.

Everything else is experience.


I had it on AF to get the first wheel as we drove alongside and kept the speed roughly the same, switched to MF and let the VR lens take care of all the shudder.

The rest of the settings such as iso/aperture/exposure were all auto by the camera and I used the burst (3fps) to get it, all 3 were pretty much identical though.

The VR is the lens makes it really easy, it moves a hell of a lot to keep it central.

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