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Crytek under attack!!!!


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http://www.faz.net/s/Rub0D783DBE76F14A5 ... ~SMed.html

Dutzende Verletzte bei Chlorgasunfall in Frankfurt

Bei einem Unfall mit Chlorgas sind am Freitag in Frankfurt am Main bis zu 54 Menschen zum Teil schwer verletzt worden. Die Bevölkerung wurde aufgefordert, die Häuser nicht zu verlassen sowie Fenster und Türen geschlossen zu halten. Die Frankfurter Berufsfeuerwehr war mit etwa 60 Leuten vor Ort.

English summary:

Some workers of a factory in the vicinity of the Crytek office Frankfurt messed up a little and put the wrong chemicals into the wrong barrels. This spawned a chlorine gas cloud which seriously injured some of the workers and called an entire convoy of fireman cars to the scene, they had to seal off everything. Luckily not much of the gas escaped, but the total count of injured people raised to 54 by now.

Good that the employees of Crytek never leave the building during the day and that there are no windows, so they should be safe for now....but what happens if the pizza delivery service doesn't make its way through?

I'll keep you updated :oops:

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Would new employees of Crytek have to fight off the ex staff zombies?

why hasn't this question been addressed yet? this is damn important! :mad:

Crytek better make a kick ass zombie shooter based on this idea....either go all the way with DX10 yada yada or go the other way with some Xbox Live title.

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Would new employees of Crytek have to fight off the ex staff zombies?

why hasn't this question been addressed yet? this is damn important! :mad:

The contaminated ex staff has been moved into the parking garage and will now provide external focus testing.

Applicants might be asked to perform a candidate test that involves running from park deck A to E and back to the main building without any bite wounds, to determine whether the candidate has that certain "drive" and "edge" to accomplish his day to day tasks in such a competitive environment (read: to pick up pizza deliveries from the building entrance and tag them in the kitchen, before anybody can snatch them).

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