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It's basically a hl2dm map set in an aztec setting. There's not much I can say about it, I guess playing is experiencing.

It seems to play really well with around 8 people but could probably play well up to about 16.

Weapons are generously dished out, shotgun and rpg are probably the best suited, I also positioned the crossbow in a "sniper" spot, though you can be ferreted out quite easily.

All in all fairly balanced, fast paced and enjoyable. Hope you like.




For more information/ screens go to



http://www.rabid-monkey.com/~dewdle/fil ... alkway.rar

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You should make a lot of things better:

--The spawnplaces are all set in the same direction, at some places with face to wall

--The stone-prop_statics underwater are "flying". rotate them or put them on the ground, and you´ve got some props "following" (2 kind of boats for example). Remove some sawblades and add other physics like little stones or wood_crates.

--You must change something with your weapon- and ammoplaces. I see 2 shotguns or 2 xbows near to each other.

--For a bit better gameplay you should add info_ladder_dismounts. Much players hate pressing the jump button to leave ladders.

Generally, your brushwork and the lightning is good.

I like the map. :)

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Some of those stone walls look a bit too thin. They're big stone blocks, not prefab concrete breeze blocks :) Also, the lighting is a bit flat / dull in the first shot -- a few torches would've made it more interesting.

Looks like a nice theme (though as Zombie pointed out, it ain't aztec) and stuff but it also looks like you could've done a lot more with it with some more work :)

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My original intent wasn't really at an aztec setting, I figured what I ended up with was something with a similar look but I didn't base it on any references really. You've made great points so far so I think I'll go back and change a few things to improve it :wink:

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