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2K on Bioshock: "Why should your brother play for free?

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Lol, this is a good one:

On the 2K boards, one community member found that when his brother attempted to play Bioshock on another account (on the same PC), the software prompted him for a serial number. He asked (ok, whined a bit) as to whether or not this serial would count toward another of his 5 activations. This was 2K's response:

2k Tech JT writes: The other way to view this, is one USER has purchased the game. Not the whole family. So why should your brother play for free?

Copied from: http://kotaku.com/gaming/2k/2k-on-biosh ... 296622.php

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TBH, asking if that would count as an activation was a rather retarded question. It's a new account, so it's treated as a separate activation -- makes perfect sense to me. I might have snapped at this guy too for asking something incredibly stupid, but then again, the tech guy should have exhibited professionalism in the face of idiocy.


I'm never buying another 2K game again unless its DRM free. I've had enough trouble with my damn Bioshock. You know something is wrong when you have an easier time with the pirated version then you do the legitimate version.

(Note: I don't condone software piracy, but come on. This is fuckin' ridiculous)


lol 2k get worse by the day.

Please note that the forum moderator has been incorrectly quoted as a 2K employee. The individual, "JT Tech 2K" works for an outside tech support group and is not an employee of 2K. Additionally, 2K is investigating the validity of the post.



Seems relevant to industry discussion.

I think, while obviously bad things have occurred, overall most of the 2K hate has been blown a bit out of proportion with the angry internet mobs of ascii torches and pitchfork - valid complaints risen to epic "omfg boycott!!!" proportions that'll all simmer and cool off one way or another within the next few months (and certainly before 2k's next major title).

It's certainly good they're working these kinks out on one of their titles and not, say... ours.


Id love to play the game, but this kind of crap really withholds me from buying it...

It might be true that the whole problem gets hyped up a bit but I dont think you can say that thats a bad thing. You need to bring the message across to publishers like 2k that people dont want crap like this, you cant do that by being all nice and friendly.

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