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It lives!


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new site is officially active, albeit with a few shots and descriptions left to re-do... All the important stuff works, though (Q4, Q4 map pack, NS), and I've been sitting on it long enough. Enjoy.


Still room for changes, btw, so I'm still open to whatever feedback you might have (and I'm still considering stuff mentioned in the other thread such as narrowing it up a bit for 1024 users).

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Still considering a logo! Not sure what it might be, but I'm sure I can come up with something.

Only thing holding up the Op4 screenshots is some annoying Steam issues... I think I can get all but one taken care of now, but the pack I downloaded that's supposed to add op4ctf support appears to be missing a couple models I used in one level. Doh. :\

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The mapcore link button is just a transparent-ized version of this image from the main page :)

As for the design, I used some elements of lunaran's site to get me started since I'd never done an all-CSS non-table site before, but otherwise it's all me. The backend is still the same backend I've been using for a few years; I just had to re-write all the templates to support the new layout and some new information I'm storing for some content types.

Oh, I tried a logo... how's it look? :P The f2 thing is sort of an inside joke from quake - f2 brings up the in-editor game, but for many many months (and I think still in Doom III) the button was basically the "crash game" button. Ken removed it from his keyboard for quite a while, haha.

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ah ah... loved the F2 detail on the banner, and the colors of the image, fits perfectly on the layout! :)

I'd just change the font of the text "www.button-masher.net" to something more high-tech, maybe make the letters light blue, insted of pure white and a subtle photoshop glow or something, dunno... just giving away suggestions! :P

Congrats then again, I really like your site! :D

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nice :) clean and easy to navigate.

but no link to my site :(

D: sorry, right now I'm limiting it to people I've worked with directly to keep it from being too ridiculously bloated :( I knew I'd end up leaving some awesome people out though so I'll probably eventually set it up to show just a snapshot of a larger list that you can go to separately. Or something like that.

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