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Looking for 3D staff [Hostile Intent: Phoenix Rising]

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Hi everyone,

Hostile Intent: Phoenix Rising is looking for prop modelers. We have several active level designers on staff who are interested in working alongside dedicated modelers to bring our environments to life. Successful applicants must be able to model, unwrap, skin, and compile their own models for the Source engine.

For pics of some of our existing work so far, you can take a look at our media page:


If you're interested, shoot me an email: marmalademan [at] hiprmod [dot] net

Hope to hear from you!

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The screenshots look very nice, but as far as gameplay this mod must be very similar to Insurgency, correct? What do this mod offer in comparison to the insurgency mod?

Oh and how far along in the alpha process are you guys? Got a playable build yet, and what does it feature at this point?

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Although on the surface HIPR looks similar to INS, the gameplay is quite different. Where INS is infantry, HIPR is more spec ops. If you play Hostile Intent on the HL1 engine, you see the difference between the two.

The game is playable. There is a working objective system and partially implemented VGUI for team/equipment selection. We have several weapons complete and in-game, though a large portion of other game content is still under development. We have six active mappers at the moment, so there is plenty of prop modeling work available.

Also, for anyone interested in more details about our level of organization - we run version control and Trac for the mod directory in addition to the usual development/testing forums and FTP.

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Although on the surface HIPR looks similar to INS, the gameplay is quite different. Where INS is infantry, HIPR is more spec ops. If you play Hostile Intent on the HL1 engine, you see the difference between the two.

I have played HI on the HL1 engine, and as far as I can tell the difference is the walking speed and player models. And some of the weapons. The whole sneaking around careful not getting shot-action is dominant in both games. HIPR might just be a tad slower, I'd agree, but the true core of the two games seems to be too similar.

You either forgot to mention player models for both teams, or you left that out on purpose.. It's what I personally think is the biggest job for the modelers and animators to do, how far are you in that regard?

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I'm not sure how much detail you'd like, but here goes: One player model is in-game, but it's still far from being complete really. It's missing some animations and still needs some texture work. There are two other complete models in different stages of being skinned. Overall, the player models are still fairly early on in development.

I suppose the differences between HIPR and INS are subtle, or perhaps I have not played enough INS to form a proper judgment. I actually think I'm the wrong person to ask, because my opinion is that there's not that much more similarity between HIPR and INS than there is between HIPR and a million other action games. I don't even mean 'tactical realism' type games, either. As a developer, I think you're competing for people's free time. People play games in their free time because they're fun. Because of that, you're really competing against any other game that's fun, since I don't think many gamers play INS/HIPR/Rainbow Six/Battlefield 2/etc to the exclusion of other games (Quake, Warcraft, etc). Thematically speaking, INS and HIPR are similar. Beyond that, the similarities apply to a zillion other games as well.

HIPR is never going to be a game that will have a thousand people playing at once. I have no illusions about that. I've had the opportunity to work with some very intelligent, fun, and committed developers on this project, and I've made a number of real life friends as a result. I've stuck with it because we have a tight (and very old) community and we have a good atmosphere. I take the work seriously, but not too seriously. If it can't be fun and educational, it isn't worth my time. So I try to keep it as such.

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