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Was downloading way too slow yesterday, never got it down. Also fucking Forza 2 constantly steals the intarweb when you're not racing :G

Gonna check it later tho, hope its good


checked out some screens and read some articles - and man this looks fantastic. I've been waiting for something like this since Thrasher: Skate and Destroy.

THPS is utter shit, literally I wouldn't take a shit on it, it's not worthy of my faeces.

I guess I have a reason to buy an xbox (not too sure about how well PS3's online stuff will be).


Why haven't I got an Xbox yet, cause I really want to play Skate.

Master the tricks, or to know what direction it is? Is it possible to bail on a trick? As in almost make it, but then you slam cause you didn't "flick it" enough? Or do you always make your tricks if you first flick them right?


Its pretty cool. Not quite sure if I'll get the full thing, but the controls does feel like they're pretty intuitive. Definitely not an easy thing to rack up combos in this one, at least not compared to THPS (Which as said; most milked dry franchise in the business).

Really interesting how they're focusing on the board here, rather than the person, makes it kinda hard to see whats over bumps and stuff tho.


I watched my mates play it a fair bit this evening (barely got a shot myself) and it came across as being pretty damned awesome. Looks like a definate buy to me, but I'll give the demo another shot tomorrow to see if I still feel the same.


Mazy, The Sims is the most milked franchise and don't you forget it!

The demo is really cool, alittle hard to remember the controls, but I had the same problem in THPS so I guess I'm not a skate person. I really dig the videoeditor altho I would like Max Payne slowness and not just 25%, I would also like to see the videoupload function acctually works.


Again, now that people might have tried it a bit more;

Is it possible to bail on a trick? As in if you flick it a bit wrong and then the board spins wrong and you slam? Or is it like if you have enough air to complete the trick, it's instant landing?


You're pretty much guaranteed to bail if you get your timing, landing angle, speed, etc wrong. Whether (or how well) you pull something off depends on a lot more than just landing straight like in THPS.

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